10:30 |
O 100.1 |
A short-pulse facility for time and angle-resolved photoemission experiments at the synchrotron light source DELTA — •Sven Döring, Stefan Cramm, Mathias Gehlmann, Lukasz Plucinski, Markus Höner, Holger Huck, Maryam Huck, Robert Molo, Peter Ungelenk, Shaukat Khan, and Claus M. Schneider
10:45 |
O 100.2 |
Time-resolved two-photon photoemission of NiO(100) ultrathin films — •Konrad Gillmeister, Mario Kiel, and Wolf Widdra
11:00 |
O 100.3 |
Electronic structure and exciton formation dynamics at the ZnO(1010) surface — •Jan-Christoph Deinert, Daniel Wegkamp, Michael Meyer, Clemens Richter, Julia Stähler, and Martin Wolf
11:15 |
O 100.4 |
Ultrafast Water Dynamics at the Water-Surfactant-Air Interface — •Ruth A. Livingstone, Mischa Bonn, and Ellen H. G. Backus
11:30 |
O 100.5 |
2D-Polymer superstructure dynamics on graphene mapped by ultrafast low-energy electron diffraction — •Max Gulde, Simon Schweda, Sascha Schäfer, and Claus Ropers
11:45 |
O 100.6 |
Rotation and translation in surface diffusion of pentacene on pentacene: Extracting different processes from Helium-3 spin echo measurements. — •Paul Rotter, Antonia Morherr, Barbara Lechner, David Chisnall, Andrew Jardine, John Ellis, William Allison, Bruno Eckhardt, and Gregor Witte
12:00 |
O 100.7 |
Dynamics of O2 on Pd(100) – Unfreezing the surface — •Vanessa Jane Bukas, Angela den Dunnen, Jörg Meyer, Ludo Juurlink, and Karsten Reuter
12:15 |
O 100.8 |
Vibrational properties of O2 on Ag(100): multiple adsorption sites vs. Fermi resonances? — Daniel Strobusch, Jörg Meyer, and •Christoph Scheurer
12:30 |
O 100.9 |
Vibrational properties of alkali nitrate solutions: from clusters to the water/vapor interface — •Gang Huang, Marie-Pierre Gaigeot, and Marialore Sulpizi
12:45 |
O 100.10 |
Rotational Excitation Spectroscopy with the Scanning Tunneling Microscope — •Fabian Donat Natterer, François Patthey, and Harald Brune