Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
O 21: Transport: Quantum Dots, Quantum Wires, Point Contacts II (TT jointly with O)
Montag, 31. März 2014, 16:00–18:30, HSZ 204
16:00 |
O 21.1 |
A two-atom electron pump — Benoit Roche, Roman-Pascal Riwar, Benoit Voisin, Eva Dupont-Ferrier, Romain Waquez, Maud Vinet, Marc Sanquer, •Janine Splettstoesser, and Xavier Jehl
16:15 |
O 21.2 |
Functional renormalization group in Floquet space and its application to periodically driven quantum dots — •Katharina Eissing, Stefan Göttel, Dante Marvin Kennes, and Volker Meden
16:30 |
O 21.3 |
Interplay of edge state polarization and a Zeeman split quantum dot — •Benedikt Probst, Pauli Virtanen, and Patrik Recher
16:45 |
15 min. break.
17:00 |
O 21.4 |
Entanglement detection in an interacting beam-splitter device — •Alexander Schroer, Bernd Braunecker, Alfredo Levy Yeyati, and Patrik Recher
17:15 |
O 21.5 |
Hierarchical Equation of Motion Investigation of Decoherence and Relaxation Dynamics in Nonequilibrium Transport through Interacting Quantum Dots — •Rainer Härtle, Guy Cohen, David R. Reichman, and Andrew J. Millis
17:30 |
O 21.6 |
Detection of the decay rates in interacting quantum dots — •Jens Schulenborg, L. Debora Contreras- Pulido, Michele Governale, and Janine Splettstoesser
17:45 |
O 21.7 |
Hybrid Microwave Cavity Heat Engine — Christian Bergenfeldt, Peter Samuelsson, •Björn Sothmann, Christian Flindt, and Markus Büttiker
18:00 |
O 21.8 |
Vibration-induced thermoelectric effects in quantum dots — •Matti Laakso and Volker Meden
18:15 |
O 21.9 |
Superexchange transport and blockade in triple quantum dots — •Rafael Sánchez, Ghislain Granger, Fernando Gallego-Marcos, Sergei A. Studenikin, Andrew S. Sachrajda, and Gloria Platero