18:30 |
O 36.1 |
Coverage-dependent metalation and dehydrogenation of tetraphenylporphyrin on Cu(111) — •Michael Röckert, Matthias Franke, Quratulain Tariq, Michael Stark, Stefanie Ditze, Hubertus Marbach, Hans-Peter Steinrück, and Ole Lytken
18:30 |
O 36.2 |
Self organization driven structure formation of DIP molecules on Cu(111) — Hazem Aldahhak, •Wolf Gero Schmidt, and Eva Rauls
18:30 |
O 36.3 |
STM Study of the structural formation of crystal violet on Au(100) and Au(111) surfaces — •Patrick Mehring, Lothar Brosda, and Carsten Westphal
18:30 |
O 36.4 |
On the dynamics of molecular processes: STM investigations of porphyrins on Cu(111) — •Stefanie Ditze, Michael Stark, Martin Drost, Florian Buchner, Hans-Peter Steinrück, and Hubertus Marbach
18:30 |
O 36.5 |
Coverage dependent adsorption behavior of Ni-TPBP on Cu(111): A scanning tunneling microscopy study — •Michael Lepper, Liang Zhang, Michael Stark, Stefanie Ditze, Hans-Peter Steinrück, and Hubertus Marbach
18:30 |
O 36.6 |
Atomic Force Microscopy: The qPlus sensor applied to molecules on metal surfaces — •Robin Ohmann, Anja Nickel, Jörg Meyer, Francesca Moresco, and Gianaurelio Cuniberti
18:30 |
O 36.7 |
Vibrational properties and dynamic charge transfer of the CuPc/Ag(111)-system — •Sebastian Thussing und Peter Jakob
18:30 |
O 36.8 |
Large pores and multiple active sites: a 2D metal-organic network employing a de-novo synthesized porphyrin linker — •Yuanqin He, Felix Bischoff, Knud Seufert, Willi Auwärter, Daphné Stassen, Davide Bonifazi, and Johannes Barth
18:30 |
O 36.9 |
STM of functionalized platform molecules on Au(111) — •Torben Jasper-Tönnies, Sandra Ulrich, Rainer Herges, and Richard Berndt
18:30 |
O 36.10 |
Surface Control of Alkyl Chain Conformations and Chiral Amplification — •Katharina Scheil, Nadine Hauptmann, Thiruvancheril G. Gopakumar, Franziska L. Otte, Christian Schütt, Rainer Herges, and Richard Berndt
18:30 |
O 36.11 |
Cyano-Functionalized Triarylamines on Au(111): Competing Intermolecular versus Molecule/Substrate Interactions — •Stefano Gottardi, Kathrin Müller, Juan Carlos Moreno-López, Handan Yildirim, Ute Meinhardt, Milan Kivala, Abdelkader Kara, and Meike Stöhr
18:30 |
O 36.12 |
Adsorption of HTMGT on Au(111): Influence of Surface Roughness — •Jan Pischel, Anna Lebkücher, Hans-Jörg Himmel, and Annemarie Pucci
18:30 |
O 36.13 |
Exploring the cerium-directed assembly of porphyrin derivatives on Ag(111) — •Felix Bischoff, Willi Auwärter, Knud Seufert, David Ecija, Saranyan Vijayaraghavan, and Johannes Barth
18:30 |
O 36.14 |
Spontaneous change in molecular orientation at order-disorder transition of tetracene on Ag(111) — •Tomoki Sueyoshi, Martin Willenbockel, Michael Naboka, Alexei Nefedov, Serguei Soubatch, Christof Wöll, and Stefan Tautz
18:30 |
O 36.15 |
Self-assembling and electronic structure of metallocenes on Pb(111) and Pb(100) — •Wibke Bronsch, Benjamin Heinrich, and Katharina Franke
18:30 |
O 36.16 |
Structural and optical investigation of K doping induced changes of PTCDA on Ag(111) — •Christian Zwick, Marco Gruenewald, Roman Forker, and Torsten Fritz
18:30 |
O 36.17 |
Understanding the peptide folding on surfaces in UHV by electrospray ion beam deposition (ES-IBD) — •Sabine Abb, Gordon Rinke, Stephan Rauschenbach, Ludger Harnau, and Klaus Kern
18:30 |
O 36.18 |
Ion beam-induced nanoscale surface modulations and their effect on protein-surface adsorption — •Alexander von Müller, Jana Sommerfeld, and Carsten Ronning
18:30 |
O 36.19 |
STM and XPS Investigation of Ethylene Carbonate Monolayers on Cu(111) and Co-Adsorption of Lithium — •Maral Bozorgchenani, Florian Buchner, Hanieh Farkhondeh, Benedikt Uhl, and R. Jürgen Behm
18:30 |
O 36.20 |
Comparison of the adsorption behavior of the ionic liquids [EMIM][TFSA] and [OMIM][TFSA] on Au(111) and Ag(111) — •Benedikt Uhl, Hsinhui Huang, Dorothea Alwast, Florian Buchner, and R. Jürgen Behm
18:30 |
O 36.21 |
Molecular Aggregates for Photoemission Electron Microscopy (PEEM) — •Hannes Hartmann, Ingo Barke, Karl-Heinz Meiwes-Broer, and Sylvia Speller
18:30 |
O 36.22 |
Structure and Fluorescence of Molecular Crystals — Björn Vogler, Hannes Hartmann, Kai Wardelmann, Heinrich Behle, J.A.A.W. Elemans, Ingo Barke, and •Sylvia Speller
18:30 |
O 36.23 |
Photon emission from the tunneling contact of a low temperature STM for pristine and adsorbate covered metal substrates — •Ebru Özen, Maren C. Cottin, Tobias Roos, Detlef Utzat, Doris Steeger, Willy Platz, Rolf Möller, and Christian A. Bobisch
18:30 |
O 36.24 |
Decoupling in organic heterostructures of PTCDA and CuPc on single crystalline silver — •Tino Kirchhuebel, Marco Gruenewald, Julia Peuker, Timothy Vajas, Roman Forker, and Torsten Fritz
18:30 |
O 36.25 |
Electronic “chirality” of transition metal phthalocyanine molecules adsorbed to noble metal surfaces — •Jacob Senkpiel, Jens Kügel, Pin-Jui Hsu, and Matthias Bode
18:30 |
O 36.26 |
Reversible conformational changes in manganese porphyrin molecules — •Xianwen Chen, Christian Lotze, Paul Stoll, Nils Krane, José I. Pascual, and Katharina J. Franke
18:30 |
O 36.27 |
Biomolecules at metal interfaces: a novel force field approach including polarization — •Isidro Lorenzo, Hadi Ramezani-Dakhel, Hendrik Heinz, and Marialore Sulpizi
18:30 |
O 36.28 |
Hybridization and Charge Transfer of Planar Pt(II) Triplet Emitters at the metal organic Interface — •Alexander Timmer, Pascal Raphael Ewen, Jan Sanning, Chistian Alejandro Srassert, Daniel Wegner, Harry Mönig, and Harald Fuchs
18:30 |
O 36.29 |
STM/STS investigation of ionic liquids adsorbed at metal surfaces — •Thomas Groß, Matthias Stocker, and Berndt Koslowski
18:30 |
O 36.30 |
Exploring coherent transport through π-stacked systems in molecular electronic devices — •Qian Li, Gemma Solomon, Gediminas Kirsanskas, Karsten Flensberg, and Martin Leijnse
18:30 |
O 36.31 |
Light-induced ring opening of a submonolayer nitrospiropyran electronically decoupled from a Cu(100) surface — •Fabian Nickel, Matthias Bernien, Qingyu Xu, and Wolfgang Kuch
18:30 |
O 36.32 |
Honeycombenes: A novel class of hydrocarbon macrocycles made by surface-assisted synthesis — •Min Chen, Jian Shang, Yongfeng Wang, Kai Wu, Qitang Fan, Cici Wang, Yong Han, Junfa Zhu, Julian Kuttner, Gerhard Hilt, and J.Michael Gottfried
18:30 |
O 36.33 |
Electrospray deposition of Mn12 and Fe4 single molecule magnets — •Philipp Erler, Eva-Sophie Wilhelm, Nicole Barth, Samuel Bouvron, Peter Schmitt, Stefan Ambrus, Ulrich Groth, Luca Gragnaniello, and Mikhail Fonin
18:30 |
O 36.34 |
Temperature induced dehydrogenation and substrate-mediated hydrogen transfer of tetra(p-hydroxyphenyl)porphyrin - a photoelectron spectroscopy study — •Lars Smykalla, Pavel Shukrynau, Michael Hietschold, Carola Mende, Heinrich Lang, and Dietrich R. T. Zahn
18:30 |
O 36.35 |
Towards the formation of extended polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons doped with nitrogen — •Tim Sander, Maximilian Ammon, Philipp Hofmann, Natalie Hammer, Milan Kivala, and Sabine Maier
18:30 |
O 36.36 |
Intramolecular Dipole of Merocyanine probed by Local Contact Potential Difference Measurements — •Nils Krane, Christian Lotze, Xianwen Chen, José I. Pascual, and Katharina J. Franke
18:30 |
O 36.37 |
STM Investigations of Spirobifluorene Tripodal Molecules on Au(111) — •Kevin Edelmann, Lukas Gerhard, Marcin Lindner, Michal Valasek, Lei Zhang, Hilbert von Löhneysen, Elke Scheer, Marcel Mayor, Maya Lukas, and Wulf Wulfhekel
18:30 |
O 36.38 |
Investigation of the Hydrogenation of Graphene on Ni(111) via Temperature Programmed X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy and Temperature Programmed Desorption — •Florian Späth, Wei Zhao, Karin Gotterbarm, Christoph Gleichweit, Hans-Peter Steinrück, and Christian Papp
18:30 |
O 36.39 |
Modeling catalytic reactions: graphene-supported Pd nanoclusters studied with high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy — •Karin Gotterbarm, Carina Bronnbauer, Udo Bauer, Christian Papp, and Hans-Peter Steinrück
18:30 |
O 36.40 |
Transport properties of epitaxially grown graphene nanoribbons — •Jens Baringhaus, Frederik Edler, Christian Seidel, Claire Berger, Walter A. de Heer, and Christoph Tegenkamp
18:30 |
O 36.41 |
HRTEM characterization of epitaxially grown graphene nanoribbons — Dennis Laube, •Jens Baringhaus, Atasi Chatterjee, Eberhard Bugiel, and Christoph Tegenkamp
18:30 |
O 36.42 |
Local transport properties of epitaxially grown graphene — •Frederik Edler, Jens Baringhaus, Christoph Neumann, Christoph Stampfer, Stiven Forti, Ulrich Starke, and Christoph Tegenkamp
18:30 |
O 36.43 |
Thermolubricity of Xe monolayers on graphene — Matteo Pierno, •Luca Bignardi, Maria Clelia Righi, Lorenzo Bruschi, Stefano Gottardi, Meike Stöhr, Pier Luigi Silvestrelli, Petra Rudolf, and Giampaolo Mistura
18:30 |
O 36.44 |
AFM and Raman investigations of epitaxial graphene nanoribbons — •Malte Halbauer, Jens Baringhaus, Christoph Neumann, André Müller, Christoph Stampfer, and Christoph Tegenkamp
18:30 |
O 36.45 |
Chemical and Electronic Modification of Graphene via Reactive Landing of Hyperthermal Molecular Ion Beams — •Girjesh Dubey, Stephan Rauschenbach, Roberto Urcuyo, Marko Burghard, and Klaus Kern
18:30 |
O 36.46 |
All-carbon vertical van der Waals heterostructures: Non-destructive functionalization of graphene for electronic applications — Miroslaw Woszczyna, •Andreas Winter, Miriam Grothe, Annika Willunat, Stefan Wundrack, Rainer Stosch, Thomas Weimann, Franz Ahlers, and Andrey Turchanin
18:30 |
O 36.47 |
Plasmons in graphene bilayers — •Phillipp Reck, Sam Shallcross, and Oleg Pankratov
18:30 |
O 36.48 |
"white graphene" on Ag(001) — •Samuel Grandthyll, Karin Jacobs, and Frank Müller
18:30 |
O 36.49 |
Hybrid heterostructures of zero-dimensional and two-dimensional carbon — Zhikun Zheng, Xianghui Zhang, •Christof Neumann, Andreas Winter, Henning Vieker, Wei Liu, Marga Lensen, Armin Gölzhäuser, and Andrey Turchanin
18:30 |
O 36.50 |
Ion Beam Characterisation with Graphene — •Igor Zagoranskiy, Roland Kozubek, Oliver Ochedowski, and Marika Schleberger
18:30 |
O 36.51 |
Damage in graphene and single layer hexagonal boron nitride due to electronic excitation induced by highly charged ions — •Roland Kozubek, Johannes Hopster, Oliver Ochedowski, and Marika Schleberger
18:30 |
O 36.52 |
Two-photon photoemission study of gold-intercalated graphene on Ir(111) — •David Nobis, Daniel Niesner, and Thomas Fauster
18:30 |
O 36.53 |
Doping on Epitaxial Graphen on SiC with Molecular Adsorbates — •Martina Wanke, Anton Tadich, Mark Edmonds, Lothar Ley, Felix Fromm, Yaou Smets, Christian Raidel, Christian Heidrich, Zoran Mazej, John Riley, Chris Pakes, and Thomas Seyller
18:30 |
O 36.54 |
The Effects of Disorder and Defects on the Electronic Structure of Graphene — •Jonathan Parnell, Sina Habibian, Klaus Kern, and Christian Ast
18:30 |
O 36.55 |
many-body interactions in the sigma band of graphene — •federico mazzola, justin wells, rositza yakimova, soren ulstrup, jill miwa, richard balog, marco bianchi, mats leandersson, johan adell, philip hofmann, and thiagarajan balasubramanian
18:30 |
O 36.56 |
An STM-study on the Electronic Properties of epitaxial Graphene using Thermovoltage Effects — •Philip Willke, Thomas Druga, Alexander Schneider, and Martin Wenderoth
18:30 |
O 36.57 |
An influence of parallel electric field on the dispersion relation of graphene - a new route to Dirac logics — Jakub Sołtys, Stanisław Krukowski, Jolanta Borysiuk, and •Jacek Piechota
18:30 |
O 36.58 |
Study of Spin-Polarized Behaviour in Cobalt Decorated Graphene — •Eamon McDermott, Paul Bazylewski, Gap Soo Chang, and Peter Blaha
18:30 |
O 36.59 |
Crystallographic Order and Decomposition of [Mn6IIICrIII]3+ SMMs deposited on Various Substrates Analyzed by Means of KPFM and nc-AFM — Aaron Gryzia, •Timm Volkmann, Armin Brechling, Ulrich Heinzmann, Veronika Hoeke, and Thorsten Glaser
18:30 |
O 36.60 |
Bottom-up creation of metal-organic magnetic molecules based on cyclooctatetraene — •Hasmik Harutyunyan and Daniel Wegner
18:30 |
O 36.61 |
Total Internal Reflection Ellipsometry to detect ultrathin adsorbed films — •Lei Wang, Igor Siretanu, Michèl Duits, and Frieder Mugele
18:30 |
O 36.62 |
Computational screening of functionalized zinc porphyrins for dye sensitized solar cells — •Kristian Baruël Ørnsø, Juan Maria Garcia-Lastra, and Kristian Sommer Thygesen
18:30 |
O 36.63 |
Tuning the conductance of an unimolecular organic junction — •Bogdana Borca, Verena Schendel, Ivan Pentegov, Ulrike Kraft, Hagen Klauk, Peter Wahl, Uta Schlickum, and Klaus Kern
18:30 |
O 36.64 |
Functionalization of 6H-SiC(0001) and quartz surfaces with benzo[ghi]perylene-1,2-dicarboxylic anhydride dye through different organic linker molecules — •Deb Kumar Bhowmick, Manfred Bartsch, Linda Stegemann, Cristian A. Strassert, and Helmut Zacharias
18:30 |
O 36.65 |
Surface melting of ice — •M.Alejandra Sánchez, Marc-Jan van Zadel, Patrick Bisson, Mary J. Shultz, Mischa Bonn, and Ellen H.G. Backus
18:30 |
O 36.66 |
Experimental and theoretical studies of water orientation at the CaF2 interface at different pH. — •Maria Jose Perez-Haro, Remi Khatib, Mischa Bonn, Marialore Sulpizi, and Ellen H.G. Backus
18:30 |
O 36.67 |
Porous glass - epoxy interfaces investigated with an Atomic Force Microscopy — •Aleksander Ostrowski, Marlena Filimon, Jörg Baller, and Roland Sanctuary
18:30 |
O 36.68 |
Porous glass - epoxy interfaces investigated with an Atomic Force Microscopy — •Aleksander Ostrowski, Marlena Filimon, Jörg Baller, and Roland Sanctuary
18:30 |
O 36.69 |
STM and AFM investigations of [OMIm]Tf2N on Graphite — •Rene Gustus, Timo Carstens, Oliver Höfft, and Frank Endres
18:30 |
O 36.70 |
Characterization of 1-octyl-3-methyl-imidazolium chloride interfaces with Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Metastable Induced Electron Spectroscopy — •Marcel Marschewski, Wolfgang Maus-Friedrichs, Volker Kempter, Angela Ulbrich, Stefan Krischok, Frank Endres, and Oliver Höfft
18:30 |
O 36.71 |
The evaporation of nanodroplet on a chemically heterogeneous substrate — •Jianguo Zhang, Frédéric Leroy, and Florian Müller-Plathe
18:30 |
O 36.72 |
Electrocatalytic activity of structurally well defined AgPt/Pt(111) monolayer surface alloys - correlation between structure and reactivity — •Stephan Beckord, Albert K. Engstfeld, Sylvain Brimaud, and R. Jürgen Behm
18:30 |
O 36.73 |
Atomistic modeling of solid-liquid interface ordering and its effect on the growth kinetics of metallic alloys. — •Mohammed Guerdane and Britta Nestler
18:30 |
O 36.74 |
Low-temperature UHV-STM investigation of adsorbed H2O on metal surfaces — •Martin Schilling, Albert K. Engstfeld, and R. Jürgen Behm
18:30 |
O 36.75 |
Electrocatalytic activity and stability of Pt nanoparticles on Ru(0001) supported graphene — •Jens Klein, Albert K. Engstfeld, Sylvain Brimaud, and R. Jürgen Behm
18:30 |
O 36.76 |
Preparation of smooth and unreconstructed Pt(100)-(1x1) — •Klaus Meinel, Florian Schumann, Benjamin Köhler, and Wolf Widdra
18:30 |
O 36.77 |
Setup of a HHG-ARPES experiment with sub-femtosecond XUV pulses — •Jürgen Schmidt, Sabbir Ahsan, Alexander Guggenmos, Soo Hoon Chew, and Ulf Kleineberg
18:30 |
O 36.78 |
Iron surfaces in a sour gas environment — •Mehmet Ali Ilhan, Mira Todorova, and Jörg Neugebauer
18:30 |
O 36.79 |
Adsorbate nanomesh causes lateral periodicity of segregation: Ab-initio study for h-BN on Pt50Rh50(111) — •Wolfgang Heckel, Tobias C. Kerscher, Roland Stania, Irakli Kalichava, Juerg Osterwalder, Phil Willmott, Bernd Schönfeld, Thomas Greber, and Stefan Müller
18:30 |
O 36.80 |
Antiferromagnetic coupling in Mn2 on Ag(111) induced by H attachment — •Torsten Sachse, Nicolas Néel, Richard Berndt, Werner Hofer, and Jörg Kröger
18:30 |
O 36.81 |
Image-Potential States on close-packed magnetic surfaces — •Beatrice Andres, Marc Christ, Marko Wietstruk, and Martin Weinelt
18:30 |
O 36.82 |
magnetic properties of iron and cobalt nanostructures fabricated by focused electron induced processing — •Fan Tu, Martin Drost, Florian Vollnhals, Esther Carrasco, Andreas Späth, Hans-Peter Steinrück, and Hubertus Marbach
18:30 |
O 36.83 |
Magnetic interactions and spin dynamics in one-dimensional ordered alloys at step edges of vicinal Pt surfaces. — •Oleg P. Polyakov, Oleg V. Stepanyuk, Dmitry I. Bazhanov, Alexander M. Saletsky, and Valeri S. Stepanyuk
18:30 |
O 36.84 |
FeNi nanoparticle deposition on a W(110) surface — •Matthias Werner, Hendrik Bettermann, and Mathias Getzlaff
18:30 |
O 36.85 |
Preparation of 3d nanoparticles by magnetron sputtering and deposition on a W(110) surface — •Marek Wilhelm, Hendrik Bettermann, and Mathias Getzlaff
18:30 |
O 36.86 |
Inelastic electron-phonon interaction: towards first principle calculations — •Florian Rittweger, Nicki F. Hinsche, and Ingrid Mertig
18:30 |
O 36.87 |
Electron-phonon self-energy in the KKR formalism — •Carsten Eberhard Mahr, Marcel Giar, and Christian Heiliger
18:30 |
O 36.88 |
Energy level alignment and quantum conductance of functionalized metal-molecule junctions: Density functional theory versus GW calculations — •chengjun jin, mikkel strange, troels markussen, gemma solomon, and kristian thygesen
18:30 |
O 36.89 |
Convergence of different gradient corrected functionals towards accurate prediction of formation energy of solids using experimental database — •Mohnish Pandey and Karsten Wedel Jacobsen
18:30 |
O 36.90 |
Forces in the FLAPW method revisited — •Aaron Klüppelberg, Markus Betzinger, and Stefan Blügel
18:30 |
O 36.91 |
RPA correlation energy calculated within the FLAPW method — •Markus Betzinger, Christoph Friedrich, and Stefan Blügel
18:30 |
O 36.92 |
Efficient Path-Integral Molecular Dynamics with High-Order Decomposition of the Boltzmann Operator — •Igor Poltavsky, Kim Kwang, and Alexandre Tkatchenko
18:30 |
O 36.93 |
Modified Mott-Wannier Model for Excitons in Atomically Thin Semiconductors — •Simone Latini, Thomas Olsen, and Kristian S. Thygesen
18:30 |
O 36.94 |
Effective interactions in the constrained random phase approximation — •Merzuk Kaltak, Martijn Marsman, and Georg Kresse
18:30 |
O 36.95 |
Ab-initio calculation of Hubbard U parameter for solids — •Ersoy Sasioglu, Christoph Friedrich, and Stefan Blügel
18:30 |
O 36.96 |
Electronic communication through molecular bridges — •Jonny Proppe and Carmen Herrmann
18:30 |
O 36.97 |
Bandgap engineering in two-dimensional heterostructures — •Filip Anselm Rasmussen and Kristian Sommer Thygesen
18:30 |
O 36.98 |
Intrinsic LiNbO3 point defects from total-energy difference and Slater-Janak transition state calculations — •Yanlu Li, Simone Sanna, and Wolf Gero Schmidt
18:30 |
O 36.99 |
Semiclassics for matrix Hamiltonians and semiclassical perturbation theory and its use for graphene physics — •Michael Vogl, Sam Shallcross, and Oleg Pankratov
18:30 |
O 36.100 |
Structure formation on prepatterned surfaces — •Oleg Buller and Andreas Heuer
18:30 |
O 36.101 |
Catalytic oxidation of HCl over CeO2 within kinetic Monte Carlo simulations — •Stefano Mattiello, Stefan Kolling, Christian Heiliger und Herbert Over
18:30 |
O 36.102 |
CPMD simulations of liquid Sn anodes for solid oxide fuel cells — •Sebastian Gsänger, Jakub Goclon, and Bernd Meyer
18:30 |
O 36.103 |
Electron-hole pair–vibrational coupling during scattering of HCl/Al(111): TDDFT-MD and model study — Michael Grotemeyer and •Eckhard Pehlke
18:30 |
O 36.104 |
CPMD simulations of oxidized Si clusters — •Paul Schwarz, Carola Kryschi, and Bernd Meyer
18:30 |
O 36.105 |
Border Search Method - potential energy surface mapping technique alternative to Metadynamics — •Prokop Hapala and Pavel Jelinek