16:00 |
O 77.1 |
Topical Talk:
Infrared-Spectroscopy applied to ultrathin organic films. — •Peter Jakob
16:30 |
O 77.2 |
Diffusion and site selection of PTCDA on KCl(100) studied by fluorescence spectroscopy and STM — Alexander Paulheim, Christian Marquardt, Qinmin Guo, and •Moritz Sokolowski
16:45 |
O 77.3 |
Site specific mobility boost of caged bisphenol A trimers on Ag(111) — •Özge Sağlam, Julian A. Lloyd, Anthoula C. Papageorgiou, Sybille Fischer, Seung Cheol Oh, Katharina Diller, David A. Duncan, Francesco Allegretti, Florian Klappenberger, Joachim Reichert, and Johannes V. Barth
17:00 |
O 77.4 |
Structure and ordering of thin organic layers on silicon surfaces — •Thomas Schmidt, Christian Schulz, Torsten Wilkens, and Jens Falta
17:15 |
O 77.5 |
Growth of 2D molecular crystals: The role of the substrate topology — •Daniel Schwarz, Caroline Henneke, Raoul van Gastel, Harold Zandvliet, Bene Poelsema, and Christian Kumpf
17:30 |
O 77.6 |
Combined 2PPE and photoluminescence study of electron and exciton dynamics at the PTCDA/Ag(111) interface — •Andreas Namgalies, Manuel Marks, Sangam Chatterjee, and Ulrich Höfer
17:45 |
O 77.7 |
Molecular Geometry Determination by Atomic Force Microscopy — •Nikolaj Moll, Leo Gross, Bruno Schuler, Fabian Mohn, Alessandro Curioni, and Gerhard Meyer
18:00 |
O 77.8 |
Quantifying molecule-surface interactions using AFM-based single-molecule manipulation — •Christian Wagner, Norman Fournier, Victor G. Ruiz, Chen Li, Michael Rohlfing, Alexandre Tkatchenko, F. Stefan Tautz, and Ruslan Temirov
18:15 |
O 77.9 |
Accessing 4f-states in single-molecule spintronics — •Frank Matthes, Sarah Fahrendorf, Nicolae Atodiresei, Claire Besson, Vasile Caciuc, Stefan Blügel, Paul Kögerler, Daniel E. Bürgler, and Claus M. Schneider
18:30 |
O 77.10 |
Structure-dependent reactions of tetraphenylporphyrin with Cu(111) — •Ole Lytken, Michael Röckert, Matthias Franke, Quratulain Tariq, Michael Stark, Stefanie Ditze, Hubertus Marbach, and Hans-Peter Steinrück
18:45 |
O 77.11 |
DFT calculations addressing a possible imaging mechanismin the Scanning Tunneling Hydrogen Microscope — •Uwe Friedel and Axel Gross