16:00 |
O 80.1 |
High Remanent Spin Injection into GaAs(110): Strong Electron Energy Dependence with Steep Fall-Off — •Svenja Mühlenberend, Markus Gruyters, and Richard Berndt
16:15 |
O 80.2 |
Spin-resolved electron transmission through chiral molecules and proteins on metal surfaces — •Matthias Kettner, Benjamin Göhler, Debabrata Mishra, Tal Z. Markus, Georg F. Hanne, Ron Naaman, and Helmut Zacharias
16:30 |
O 80.3 |
A photoinduced change of kF in Bi2212 revealed by femtosecond time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy — •S. Freutel, J.D. Rameau, L. Rettig, I. Avigo, S. Thirupathaiah, M. Ligges, G.D. Gu, H. Eisaki, P.D. Johnson, and U. Bovensiepen
16:45 |
O 80.4 |
Ultrafast electron dynamics in Pb nanowire arrays on Si(557) — Abdul Samad Syed, Vesna Mikšić Trontl, •Manuel Ligges, Mathias Sandhofer, Ishita Agarwal, Isabella Avigo, Daniel Lükermann, Christoph Tegenkamp, Herbert Pfnür, and Uwe Bovensiepen
17:00 |
O 80.5 |
Time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy on 1T–TaSe2: Mott physics at the surface? — •Christian Sohrt, Ankatrin Stange, Lutz Kipp, Michael Bauer, and Kai Rossnagel
17:15 |
O 80.6 |
Time- and angle-resolved 2PPE of unoccupied electronic states of topological insulators Sb2Te3 and Sb2Te2S — •Johannes Reimann, Jens Güdde, and Ulrich Höfer
17:30 |
O 80.7 |
Bulk- and surface electron dynamics in a p-type topological insulator SnSb2Te4 — •Sebastian Otto, Daniel Niesner, Volker Hermann, and Thomas Fauster
17:45 |
O 80.8 |
2PPE measurement on Sb2Te2S with an angle-resolving time-of-flight spectrometer — •Thomas Kunze, Sophia Ketterl, Thorsten U. Kampen, Evgeny Chulkov, and Martin Weinelt
18:00 |
O 80.9 |
How far-from-equilibrium dynamics drive the ultrafast melting of a charge-density wave in TiSe2 — •S. Eich, J. Urbancic, A. V. Carr, A. Stange, T. Popmintchev, T. Rohwer, M. Wiesenmayer, A. Ruffing, S. Jakobs, S. Hellmann, P. Matyba, C. Chen, L. Kipp, M. Bauer, M. M. Murnane, K. Rossnagel, H. C. Kapteyn, S. Mathias, and M. Aeschlimann
18:15 |
O 80.10 |
Ultrafast hot electron dynamics at the SrTiO3-vacuum interface — •Marc Herzog, Daniel Wegkamp, Julia Stähler, and Martin Wolf
18:30 |
O 80.11 |
Ultrafast electron dynamics around the antinode in optimally doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ — •Kerstin Hanff, Lexian Yang, Gerald Rohde, Ankatrin Stange, Petra Hein, Lutz Kipp, Michael Bauer, and Kai Rossnagel
18:45 |
O 80.12 |
Pump-laser-induced space-charge effects in time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy — •Lars-Philip Oloff, Ankatrin Stange, Kerstin Hanff, Lutz Kipp, Michael Bauer, and Kai Rossnagel