Dresden 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
SOE 8: Focus Session: Complex Systems Approaches to Language and Communication
Dienstag, 1. April 2014, 10:15–13:00, GÖR 226
10:15 |
SOE 8.1 |
A Comparative Study of Language Complexity in Wikipedia — •János Kertész, Taha Yasseri, and András Kornai
10:45 |
SOE 8.2 |
Statistical Mechanics of Human Language — •Kosmas Kosmidis
11:00 |
SOE 8.3 |
Topic models and scaling laws — •Martin Gerlach and Eduardo G. Altmann
11:15 |
SOE 8.4 |
Reading Stockholm Riots 2013 in social media by text-mining — •Andrzej Jarynowski and Amir Rostami
11:30 |
15 min. break
11:45 |
SOE 8.5 |
Agent-based models of consensus in language dynamics — •Martina Pugliese, Christine Cuskley, Claudio Castellano, Francesca Colaiori, Vittorio Loreto, and Francesca Tria
12:15 |
SOE 8.6 |
Spatial language dynamics in Northern Italy before standardization — •Gero Vogl, Michael Leitner, and Paul Videsott
12:30 |
SOE 8.7 |
Endogenous and exogenous effects on the adoption curves of linguistic innovations — •Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad, Martin Gerlach, Jose M. Miotto, and Eduardo G. Altmann
12:45 |
SOE 8.8 |
A Coarse Grained Approach for Distinguishing Whale "Dialects" — •Sarah Hallerberg, Heike Vester, Kurt Hammerschmidt, and Marc Timme