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SYOM: Symposium One-dimensional Metals: Reality or Fiction

SYOM 2: Posters: One-Dimensional Metals: Reality or Fiction (jointly organized by DS, HL, O, TT)

SYOM 2.7: Poster

Thursday, April 3, 2014, 16:00–19:00, P1

STM study of Dy-induced nanowires on Ge(001) — •Michael Lochner, Robert Bienert, Ulrike Kürpick, and René Matzdorf — Universität Kassel

Quasi one dimensional nanowire structures on semiconductor surfaces are of interest for more than ten years. The scope of this research is the understanding of exotic quantum phenomena like Luttinger-Liquids, Charge-Density-Waves or magnetic ordering in 1D or quasi-1D.

While the atomic structure of Rare Earth metal induced nanowires on silicon surfaces is investigated in many publications, there are less publications on Rare Earth metals on germanium. In this poster, we present our latest STM and LEED data of Dy-induced nanowires on Ge(001).

Similar to Dy-induced nanowires on Si(001), they have different widths, but there is no wetting layer on the Ge(001) surface. The thinnest wires have a width of four Ge lattice constants and their length can vary from just a few to more than 50 nm. We present STM data of the electronic structure in the wires.

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2014 > Dresden