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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 101: Transport - Poster Session
TT 101.41: Poster
Thursday, April 3, 2014, 15:00–19:00, P2
Majorana Fermions: Anholonomy of Bound States — •Sourin Das1 and Indu Satija2 — 1MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany & University of Delhi, India — 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, George Mason University, USA
Majorana modes in p-wave superconducting quantum wires are shown to result in exotic quantum holonomy of both the eigenvalue and the eigenstates. Induced by a degeneracy hidden in complex Bloch vector space, Majorana bound states are characterized by Kohn branch point ( also known as exceptional points) singularities leading to Mobius strip-like structure of the eigenspace. This may provide yet another elegant framework to characterize topological aspect of Majorana detection in p-wave superocndcutor. This topological characterization is shown to be valid also for the periodically driven superconducting wires that supports two species of Majorana.