16:30 |
HK 11.1 |
First results of the (n,gamma) EXILL campaigns at the Institut Laue Langevin — •Jan Jolie, Jean-Marc Régis, Dennis Wilmsen, Samer Ahmed, Michael Pfeiffer, Nima Saed Samii, Nigel Warr, Peter Thirolf, Dieter Habs, EXILL Collaboration, and FATIMA Collaboration
17:00 |
HK 11.2 |
Gamma ray spectroscopy of neutron-rich actinides after multi-nucleon transfer reactions — •Andreas Vogt, Benedikt Birkenbach, Peter Reiter, Herbert Hess, Lars Lewandowski, and Tim Steinbach for the LNL 11.22 collaboration
17:15 |
HK 11.3 |
Bestimmung von Paritätsquantenzahlen dipolangeregter Zustände des mittelschweren Kerns 40Ar* — •Udo Gayer, Jacob Beller, Vera Derya, Matthew Gooden, Johann Isaak, Bastian Löher, Norbert Pietralla, Christopher Romig, Marcus Scheck, Werner Tornow und Markus Zweidinger
17:30 |
HK 11.4 |
Low-lying dipole strength in the N=28 shell-closure nucleus 52Cr* — •Haridas Pai, Jacob Beller, Nadia Benouaret, Joachim Enders, Timo Hartmann, Oliver Karg, Peter von Neumann-Cosel, Norbert Pietralla, Vladimir Yu. Ponomarev, Christopher Romig, Marcus Scheck, Linda Schnorrenberger, Stephan Volz, and Markus Zweidinger
17:45 |
HK 11.5 |
Investigation of the beta decay spectrum of 113Cd with the COBRA experiment — •Fabian Heisse for the COBRA collaboration
18:00 |
HK 11.6 |
Evolution of Quadrupole Collectivity in the Neutron-rich Xe Isotopes — •Stoyanka Ilieva, Corinna Henrich, Thorsten Kröll, and Sabine Bönig for the IS411 and FATIMA collaboration
18:15 |
HK 11.7 |
Study of isomer and proton decays in N ≤ Z nuclei below 100Sn — •Kevin Moschner, Andrey Blazhev, Plamen Boutachkov, Paul Davis, and Robert Wadsworth for the EURICA collaboration
18:30 |
HK 11.8 |
Analyse von Winkelkorrelationen verschiedener Kaskaden in 144Nd über die 143Nd(n,γ γ)-Reaktion — •Oliver Kaleja
18:45 |
HK 11.9 |
Nuclear Excitation by a Strong Zeptosecond Laser Pulse in the Quasiadiabatic Regime — •Adriana Pálffy and Hans A. Weidenmüller