Frankfurt 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 40: Nukleare Astrophysik
Donnerstag, 20. März 2014, 14:00–16:00, HZ 5
14:00 |
HK 40.1 |
Nuclear reactions studies for p-process nucleosynthesis* — •Jan Glorius, Kerstin Sonnabend, and René Reifarth
14:30 |
HK 40.2 |
The impact of neutrino oscillations on supernova explosion, nucleosynthesis, and the neutrino signals. — •Meng-Ru Wu, Tobias Fischer, Lutz Huther, Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo, and Yong-Zhong Qian
15:00 |
HK 40.3 |
Charged current interactions of νµ neutrinos in supernova — •Andreas Lohs, Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo, and Tobias Fischer
15:15 |
HK 40.4 |
13,14B(n,γ) via Coulomb Dissociation to Constrain the Astrophysical r Process — •Sebastian Altstadt for the R3B collaboration
15:30 |
HK 40.5 |
Search for Supernova-produced 60Fe in the Earth’s Fossil Record — •Shawn Bishop, Peter Ludwig, Ramon Egli, Valentyna Chernenko, Thomas Faestermann, Nicolai Famulok, Leticia Fimiani, Thomas Frederichs, Jose Gomez, Karin Hain, Marianne Hazlik, Gunther Korschinek, Silke Merchel, and Georg Rugel
15:45 |
HK 40.6 |
First results of the 92Mo(p,γ)93Tc reaction performed at the HORUS spectrometer in Cologne — •Jan Mayer, Martin Baldenhofer, Lars Netterdon, Anne Sauerwein, Philipp Scholz, and Andreas Zilges