16:00 |
HK 46.1 |
The contribution has been withdrawn (duplicate of HK 46.2).
16:00 |
HK 46.2 |
Simulations of the Measurement of the Form Factor for the Ds Semileptonic Decay with the PANDA Detector — •Lu Cao and James Ritman
16:00 |
HK 46.3 |
A Geant4 based MC simulation for the COMPASS-II experiment at CERN — •Tobias Szameitat, Horst Fischer, Matthias Gorzellik, Arne Groß, Philipp Jörg, Kay Königsmann, Christopher Regali, Katharina Schmidt, Stefan Sirtl, and Johannes ter Wolbeek
16:00 |
HK 46.4 |
ΣN cusp effect and angular distributions in the the CMS frame in the p→p → pK+Λ reaction — •Sedigheh Jowzaee for the COSY-TOF collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.5 |
Absolute Photon Flux and γ p → p π0 Cross Section Determination at the BGO-OD Experiment* — Marvin Bleckwenn, Daniel Geffers, and •Thomas Zimmermann for the BGO-OD collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.6 |
Simulation and Analysis of the channel p p → e+e−π0 using the TDA production mechanism for its measurement with PANDA. — •María Carmen Mora Espí, Manuel Zambrana, and Frank Maas for the PANDA collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.7 |
Measurement of electromagnetic time-like form factors of protons in BESIII — •Cristina Morales, Frank E. Maas, Paul Larin, and Dexu Lin
16:00 |
HK 46.8 |
P2 - High precision determination of the Weak Mixing Angle - Detector Design — •Kathrin Gerz
16:00 |
HK 46.9 |
Technical Development of the Backward End-Cap (BWEC) for the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EMC) — •Roserio Valente, Luigi Capozza, Frank Maas, Oliver Noll, David Piñeiro, and Dexu Lin for the PANDA collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.10 |
The APD High Voltage Board Characterization Station for the Crystal Barrel Calorimeter — •Dimitri Schaab for the CBELSA/TAPS collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.11 |
Is the four-phonon G.D.R. implicated in fission? — Genevieve Mouze and •Christian Ythier
16:00 |
HK 46.12 |
From the law of Flynn to the Pyatkov effect — •Christian Ythier and Genevieve Mouze
16:00 |
HK 46.13 |
Backtracking algorithm for lepton recontruction with HADES — •Patrick Sellheim for the HADES collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.14 |
study of the η meson in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV using the photon conversion method with ALICE — •Lucia Leardini
16:00 |
HK 46.15 |
Centrality determination in Au-Au collisions at 1.23 AGeV with HADES — •Behruz Kardan and Christoph Blume for the HADES collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.16 |
Two-phonon E1 excitations in 40Ca and 140Ce — •Martin Baldenhofer, Vera Derya, Janis Endres, Andreas Hennig, Bastian Löher, Deniz Savran, Werner Tornow, and Andreas Zilges
16:00 |
HK 46.17 |
Angular distribution measurements in particle-γ coincidences using SONIC&HORUS — •Julius Wilhelmy, Vera Derya, Andreas Hennig, Simon G. Pickstone, Mark Spieker, and Andreas Zilges
16:00 |
HK 46.18 |
Relative Selbstabsorptionsmessung dipolangeregter Zustände in 27Al * — •Laura Mertes, Jacob Beller, Nadia Benouaret, Haridas Pai, Norbert Pietralla, Christopher Romig, Marcus Scheck und Markus Zweidinger
16:00 |
HK 46.19 |
Preparation of an experiment to directly detect the deexcitation of the 229mTh nuclear isomer* — •Benedict Seiferle, Lars v.d. Wense, Peter Thirolf, and Mustapha Laatiaoui
16:00 |
HK 46.20 |
Study of Dipole Responses in 120Sn by (p,p’) Measurement at zero-degrees — •Anna Maria Krumbholz, Peter von Neumann-Cosel, Atsushi Tamii, and Vladimir Yu. Ponomarev for the E316 collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.21 |
Effizienzkalibrierung am hochauflösenden Energieverlustspektrometer am S-DALINAC mit Hilfe einer 90Sr-Quelle * — •Michaela Hilcker, Norbert Pietralla, Peter von Neumann-Cosel, Andreas Krugmann, Simela Aslanidou und Gerhart Steinhilber
16:00 |
HK 46.22 |
Vergleich von Photoabsorptionsquerschnitten in relativistischer Protonenstreuung mit elektromagntischen Proben* — •Sergej Bassauer, Dirk Martin und Peter von Neumann-Cosel
16:00 |
HK 46.23 |
Lifetime of the first excited 2+ state in 172Hf and 174Hf — •Rosa-Belle Gerst, Simon Stegemann, Jan Jolie, Jean-Marc Régis, Matthias Rudigier, Nima Saed-Samii, and Karl Oskar Zell
16:00 |
HK 46.24 |
Neutronenhautstudien mit schweren Kernen anhand kohärenter π0-Photoproduktion — •Maria Isabel Ferretti Bondy für die A2 Kollaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.25 |
Ion bunch stacking in a Penning trap after purification in an electrostatic ion-beam trap — •M. Rosenbusch for the ISOLTRAP collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.26 |
Untersuchung von einsetzender Deformation und Formkoexistenz in 46Ar durch (t,p) Reaktion in inverser Kinematik — •Katharina Nowak für die IS499 Kollaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.27 |
Velocity distribution in Recoil-Distance Doppler-Shift experiments — •Thomas Braunroth, Matthias Hackstein, Alfred Dewald, Claus Müller-Gatermann, Christoph Fransen, and Dorothea Wölk
16:00 |
HK 46.28 |
Messung der Resonanzen der Kernreaktion 19F(p,α γ)16O bei Protonenenergien von 0,3 bis 1 MeV — •Daniel Brenner, Hans-Eberhard Zschau, Sven Neve und Lothar Schmidt
16:00 |
HK 46.29 |
Datenaufnahme mit einer Trapezfilter-basierten Datenaufnahme bei Ereignisraten bis hin zu 100 kHz — •Stefan Schmidt, Jan Glorius, Gabriele Hampel, Tanja Heftrich, René Reifarth, Zuzana Slavkovská, Kerstin Sonnabend, Christian Stieghorst, Norbert Wiehl und Stephan Zauner
16:00 |
HK 46.30 |
Production of 85Kr — Stefan Fiebiger, •Zuzana Slavkovská, Ulrich Giesen, Michael Heil, Ralf Plag, René Reifarth, Kerstin Sonnabend, and Benedikt Thomas
16:00 |
HK 46.31 |
Charakterisierung einer LaBr3(Ce) Anordnung — •Matthias Fix, Jan Glorius, Kathrin Göbel, Arnd Junghans, René Reifarth, Stefan Schmidt und Kerstin Sonnabend
16:00 |
HK 46.32 |
Auswahl von Backing-Materialien für hochleistungsbeständige Proben an FRANZ* — Markus Reich, Philipp Erbacher, Jan Glorius, Alexander Koloczek, René Reifarth, Stefan Schmidt, Kerstin Sonnabend und •Benedikt Thomas
16:00 |
HK 46.33 |
Friedmann-Kosmologie mit Dunkler Materie und Dunkler Energie — •Robin Lautenbacher und Horst Lenske
16:00 |
HK 46.34 |
Field mapping of the KATRIN Pinch Magnet — •Axel Müller for the KATRIN collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.35 |
The Focal-Plane Detector System of the KATRIN Experiment — •Frank Bandenburg for the KATRIN collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.36 |
Life time of the HFS transition in Li-like 209Bi80+ — Ch. Geppert, V. Hannen, R. Jöhren, Th. Kühl, M. Lochmann, W. Nörtershäuser, H.-W. Ortjohann, R. S’anchez, Th. Stöhlker, •J. Vollbrecht, Ch. Weinheimer, and D. Winters
16:00 |
HK 46.37 |
Study of magnetic field design for the neutron lifetime project: tau-SPECT — Marcus Beck, •Simo Dragisic, Klaus Eberhardt, Werner Heil, Jan Karch, Fabian Kories, Yury Sobolev, Dietmar Stepanow, and Norbert Trautmann
16:00 |
HK 46.38 |
Towards reaction cross section measurements of β+ emitters produced in hadron therapy — •Björn Tegetmeyer, Saad Aldawood, Hugh van der Kolff, Christian Lang, Katia Parodi, and Peter Thirolf
16:00 |
HK 46.39 |
Bestimmung der Nachweisgrenze bei der Tiefenprofilierung von Fluor in TiAl mittels PIGE — •Daniel Brenner, Hans-Eberhard Zschau, Sven Neve und Lothar Schmidt
16:00 |
HK 46.40 |
Bunching High Intensity Proton Beams with a CH-DTL — •Malte Schwarz, Christine Claessens, Manuel Heilmann, Ole Hinrichs, Daniel Koser, Oliver Meusel, Daniel Noll, Holger Podlech, Ulrich Ratzinger, and Anja Seibel
16:00 |
HK 46.41 |
The Fast Piezo-Based Frequency Tuner for sc CH-Cavities — •Michael Amberg, Kurt Aulenbacher, Winfried Barth, Marco Busch, Florian Dziuba, Holger Podlech, and Ulrich Ratzinger
16:00 |
HK 46.42 |
Cold Tests of a sc 325 MHz CH-Cavity — •Marco Busch, Florian Dziuba, Holger Podlech, Ulrich Ratzinger, and Michael Amberg
16:00 |
HK 46.43 |
Systematische Vermessung der Pumpeigenschaften kryogener Oberflächen — •Frederic Chill, Oliver Kester, Peter Spiller und Lars Bozyk
16:00 |
HK 46.44 |
Test of a non-invasive Bunch Shape Monitor at the GSI high current LINAC — •Benjamin Zwicker, Christoph Dorn, Peter Forck, Oliver Kester, and Piotr Kowina
16:00 |
HK 46.45 |
Buncher-Cavities for the MYRRHA Injector LINAC — •Daniel Koser, Markus Basten, Dominik Mäder, Daniel Noll, Holger Podlech, Ulrich Ratzinger, Malte Schwarz, Anja Seibel, and Markus Vossberg
16:00 |
HK 46.46 |
Design of a 325 MHz Ladder - Type RFQ for FAIR — •Maximilian Schütt, Robert Brodhage, Ali Almomani, and Ulrich Ratzinger
16:00 |
HK 46.47 |
High Gradient Room Temperature Cavity Development for 10-100 AMeV Beams — •Ali Almomani and Ulrich Ratzinger
16:00 |
HK 46.48 |
Experimental Results of an ExB Chopper System — •Christoph Wiesner, Hannes Dinter, Martin Droba, Oliver Meusel, Daniel Noll, Tobias Nowottnick, Onur Payir, Ulrich Ratzinger, and Philipp Schneider
16:00 |
HK 46.49 |
Strahlseparationssystem für intensive Protonenstrahlen — •Onur Payir, Hannes Dinter, Oliver Meusel, Daniel Noll, Tobias Nowottnick, Ulrich Ratzinger, Philipp Schneider und Christoph Wiesner
16:00 |
HK 46.50 |
Untersuchungen des Transports niederenergetischer Strahlen durch einen Solenoidkanal — •Tobias Nowottnick, Hannes Dinter, Philipp Schneider, Christopher Wagner, Oliver Meusel, Onur Payir, Ulrich Ratzinger und Christoph Wiesner
16:00 |
HK 46.51 |
Entwicklung einer Gabor-Plasmalinse mit geregelter Fokussierstärke — •Stephan Klaproth, Kathrin Schulte, Oliver Meusel, Martin Droba und Ulrich Ratzinger
16:00 |
HK 46.52 |
First coupled CH Power Cavity for the FAIR Proton Injector — •Robert Brodhage, Wolfgang Vinzenz, Ali Almomani, and Ulrich Ratzinger
16:00 |
HK 46.53 |
Inbetriebnahme der gekoppelten RFQ-IH-Struktur für FRANZ — •Manuel Heilmann, Christine Claessens, Dominik Mäder, Oliver Meusel, Ulrich Ratzinger, Alwin Schempp und Malte Schwarz
16:00 |
HK 46.54 |
Strahldynamik in der LEBT-Sektion für FRANZ — •Philipp P. Schneider, Hannes Dinter, Martin Droba, Oliver Meusel, Daniel Noll, Tobias Nowottnick, Onur Payir, Holger Podlech, Alwin Schempp und Christoph Wiesner
16:00 |
HK 46.55 |
The electronic readout of the PANDA Straw Tube Tracker — •Stephan Leiber, James Ritman, and Peter Wintz for the PANDA collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.56 |
Implementation of Pattern Recognition for the PANDA Forward Tracking System* — •Martin J. Galuska, Jifeng Hu, Wolfgang Kühn, J. Sören Lange, Yutie Liang, David Münchow, Björn Spruck, and Milan Wagner for the PANDA collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.57 |
Cluster beam investigation with MCPs — •Esperanza Köhler, Daniel Bonaventura, Silke Grieser, Ann-Katrin Hergemöller, Alexander Täschner, and Alfons Khoukaz
16:00 |
HK 46.58 |
Cherenkov-Licht Nachweis und e+e−-Identifikation im HADES RICH∗ — •Tobias Kunz, Jürgen Friese, Korbinian Schmidt-Sommerfeld und Laura Fabietti
16:00 |
HK 46.59 |
A novel mass calibration mode for the MR-TOF-MS at the FRS Ion Catcher — •Jens Ebert for the FRS Ion Catcher collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.60 |
Simulation eines 4π BaF2-Kalorimeters mit GEANT4 * — •Emilio Mevius, Max Gilbert, Jan Glorius, Ralf Plag, Rene Reifarth, Stefan Schmidt, Kerstin Sonnabend, Mario Weigand und Clemens Wolf
16:00 |
HK 46.61 |
Investigation of work functions for precision experiments to investigate the standard electroweak model — •Marcus Beck, Werner Heil, Ernst W. Otten, Christian Schmidt, and Alexander Wunderle
16:00 |
HK 46.62 |
The contribution has been withdrawn (duplicate of HK 46.68).
16:00 |
HK 46.63 |
First test results of TRD prototypes for CBM with alternating wires — •Pascal Dillenseger, Susanne Gläßel, and Florian Roether
16:00 |
HK 46.64 |
Automatisierung von Messprozeduren zur systematischen Charakterisierung von Pixelsensoren* — •Benjamin Linnik für die CBM-MVD Kollaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.65 |
Status of the TRIGA User Facility in Mainz — •Fabian Kories, Klaus Eberhardt, Gabriele Hampel, Werner Heil, Jan Peter Karch, Tobias Reich, Yury Sobolev, and Norbert Trautmann
16:00 |
HK 46.66 |
Kalibrierung und Effizienz eines Neutronendetektor-Arrays für (e,e’n) Experimente — •Maxim Singer, Anna Maria Krumbholz und Peter von Neumann-Cosel
16:00 |
HK 46.67 |
Magnetic field mapping at the BGO-OD experiment — •Philipp Bielefeldt for the BGO-OD collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.68 |
Study of the PANDA Barrel DIRC prototype timing resolution — •Marvin Krebs, Klaus Peters, Carsten Schwarz, and Jochen Schwiening
16:00 |
HK 46.69 |
Fluent Simulations for the Cryogenic Stopping Cell for the low energy branch at FAIR — •Frank Morherr for the FRS Ion Catcher collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.70 |
Layout of the Micro Vertex Detector for CBM* — •Tobias Tischler, Samir Amar-Youcef, Michael Deveaux, Michal Koziel, Christian Müntz, and Joachim Stroth for the CBM-MVD collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.71 |
Nicht-ionisierende Strahlenhärte eines hochohmigen CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors mit bis zu 80 µ m Pixelgröße* — •Stefan Strohauer für die CBM-MVD Kollaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.72 |
Hardware upgrade for A2 data acquisition — Michael Ostrick, Wolfgang Gradl, Peter-Bernd Otte, Andreas Neiser, Oliver Steffen, •Martin Wolfes, and Tito Körner for the A2 collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.73 |
Development of a time projection chamber for Crystal Ball at MAMI — •Oliver Steffen, Martin Wolfes, and Wolfgang Gradl for the A2 collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.74 |
Development of a cooling system and vacuum chamber for the pion tracker for HADES — Tobias Schmitt and •Joana Wirth for the HADES collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.75 |
Design of a Beam Position Sensitive Cavity as a Schottky Noise Detector for Mass Measurements in CR@FAIR — •Xiangcheng Chen, Shahab Sanjari, Peter Hülsmann, Yuri Litvinov, Fritz Nolden, Jeremi Piotrowski, and Markus Steck
16:00 |
HK 46.76 |
Data quality assessment for the ALICE Photon Spectrometer PHOS — •Dominik Herzig for the ALICE collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.77 |
CoTEx - Coil tests for the neutron lifetime experiment PENeLOPE — •Dominic Gaisbauer for the PENeLOPE collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.78 |
Simplified Object Oriented Data Analysis at the BGO-OD Experiment — •Oliver Freyermuth for the BGO-OD collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.79 |
A Web 2.0 Approach to DAQ Monitoring and Controlling — •Manuel Penschuck for the TRB3 collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.80 |
Commissioning of a pulsed UV photoelectron source at the KATRIN main spectrometer — Jan Behrens, Stefan Groh, •Volker Hannen, Raphael Jöhren, Lorenz Josten, Nicholas Steinbrink, Christian Weinheimer, Daniel Winzen, Michael Zacher, and Miroslav Zbořil for the KATRIN collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.81 |
CALIFA at R3B: Development of Quality Assurance system for APD — •Han-Bum Rhee, Alexander Ignatov, Stoyanka Ilieva, Thorsten Kröll, and Mirko von Schmid for the R3B collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.82 |
Radiation hardness studies of epitaxial diodes for the PANDA Micro-Vertex-Detector — •Tommaso Quagli, Kai-Thomas Brinkmann, Daniela Calvo, and Robert Schnell for the PANDA collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.83 |
Performance Tests of novel Scintillator Materials and Readout devices for the CALIFA@R3B — •Christian Sürder, Guillermo Fernández Martinez, Ilja Homm, Alexander Ignatov, Tania Ilieva, Thorsten Kröll, Han-Bum Rhee, and Mirko von Schmid
16:00 |
HK 46.84 |
High-Voltage Picoamperemeter — •Andrea Bugl, Markus Ball, Michael Böhmer, Sverre Dörheim, Andreas Hönle, Igor Konorov, and Bernhard Ketzer
16:00 |
HK 46.85 |
Construction of the XENON1T purification system and slow control — •Sergej Schneider, Ethan Brown, Christian Huhmann, Stephan Rosendahl, and Christian Weinheimer
16:00 |
HK 46.86 |
Characterization of a transverse electron target for storage rings — •Sabrina Geyer, Oliver Meusel, and Oliver Kester
16:00 |
HK 46.87 |
Quality assessment of ultra-thin CMOS sensors for the micro vertex detector of the CBM experiment at FAIR. — •Michal Koziel, Norbert Bialas, and Borislaw Milanovic for the CBM-MVD collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.88 |
A New Avalanche Photo Diode Readout for the Crystal Barrel Calorimeter — •Peter Klassen for the CBELSA/TAPS collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.89 |
Die PANDA-Vorwärtsendkappe: Simulationen und deren Vergleich mit Prototyptestmessungen — •Christian Hammann, Matthias Kube, Claudia Lütz, Philipp Mahlberg, Merlin Rossbach, Christoph Schmidt, Ulrike Thoma, Georg Urff und Christoph Wendel für die PANDA Kollaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.90 |
Ein digitales Echtzeit-Trigger-System für den CALIFA Detektor — •Philipp Klenze, Michael Bendel, Roman Gernhäuser, Benjamin Heiß, Walter Henning, Reiner Krücken, Tudi Le Bleis, Patrick Remmels und Max Winkel für die R3B Kollaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.91 |
Characterization of the PANDA MVD Trapezoidal Silicon Strip Sensors and the Development of their Readout System — •Dariusch Deermann, Tobias Stockmanns, and James Ritman for the PANDA collaboration
16:00 |
HK 46.92 |
On-line coupling of TRIGA-SPEC to the research reactor TRIGA Mainz: Improvement of the Gas-Jet System — •Jessica Grund for the TRIGA-SPEC collaboration