Frankfurt 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 51: Instrumentierung
Donnerstag, 20. März 2014, 16:30–18:45, HZ 9
16:30 |
HK 51.1 |
Upgrade of the ALICE TPC for high-rate operation — •Jens Wiechula for the ALICE collaboration
17:00 |
HK 51.2 |
Integrating a gas chromatograph for measuring gas compositions in ALICE — •Martin Fleck
17:15 |
HK 51.3 |
The CBM time of flight wall - System aspects — •Ingo Deppner and Norbert Herrmann for the CBM collaboration
17:30 |
HK 51.4 |
The HADES RPC Time of Flight Wall performance in Au+Au Collisions at 1.23 AGeV — •Georgy Kornakov
17:45 |
HK 51.5 |
Der Myonen-Detektor des CBM Experiments bei FAIR — •Anna Senger, Partha Pratim Bhaduri und Shabir Bhat für die CBM Kollaboration
18:00 |
HK 51.6 |
RPC test with heavy-ion beams — •Christian Simon and Norbert Herrmann for the CBM collaboration
18:15 |
HK 51.7 |
Detection efficiency of the neutron detector BELEN-48 measured at the PTB Braunschweig — •Michele Marta, Jorge Agramunt, Roger Caballero-Folch, Guillem Cortés, Iris Dillmann, Martin Erhard, Luis M. Fraile, Ulrich Giesen, Ralf Nolte, Albert Riego, Stefan Röttger, and Jose Luis Taín
18:30 |
HK 51.8 |
Comissioning of a 1-m distillation plant to remove krypton out of xenon — •Stephan Rosendahl, Ethan Brown, Ion Cristescu, Alexander Fieguth, Christian Huhmann, Michael Murra, and Christian Weinheimer