Frankfurt 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 54: Nukleare Astrophysik
Freitag, 21. März 2014, 11:00–12:45, HZ 4
11:00 |
HK 54.1 |
Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations with Chiral Effective Field Theory Interactions⋆ — •Ingo Tews, Kai Hebeler, Achim Schwenk, Alexandros Gezerlis, and Evgeny Epelbaum
11:30 |
HK 54.2 |
Study of the 17Ne Coulomb Dissociation process and its role for the rp process of nucleosynthesis. — •Justyna Marganiec, Felix Wamers, Thomas Aumann, Irina Egorova, Leonid Grigorenko, Michael Heil, Yuliya Perfenova, and Ralf Plag for the R3B collaboration
11:45 |
HK 54.3 |
Background intercomparison with escape-suppressed germanium detectors in underground mines — •Tamás Szücs and Daniel Bemmerer
12:00 |
HK 54.4 |
Erzeugung von 91Nb zur Untersuchung der Reaktion 91Nb(p,γ) an FRANZ — •Benedikt Thomas, Jan Glorius, Rene Reifarth, Anne Sauerwein, Stefan Schmidt und Kerstin Sonnabend
12:15 |
HK 54.5 |
Determining cross sections of the 187Re(α,n) reaction at astrophysically relevant energies — •Philipp Scholz, Janis Endres, Jan Mayer, Lars Netterdon, Anne Sauerwein, and Andreas Zilges
12:30 |
HK 54.6 |
Prompt fission γ-ray emission from thermal- and fast-neutron induced fission — •Stephan Oberstedt, Robert Billnert, Matthieu Lebois, Andreas Oberstedt, and Jon Wilson