Frankfurt 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 55: Beschleuniger und Anwendungen kernphysikalischer Methoden
Freitag, 21. März 2014, 11:00–13:00, HZ 5
11:00 |
HK 55.1 |
Measurements of neutron-induced reactions in inverse kinematics — •Rene Reifarth and Yuri A. Litvinov
11:15 |
HK 55.2 |
Vermessung von Strahlparametern mittels elastischer Proton-Deuteron-Streuung — •Nils Hempelmann für die JEDI Kollaboration
11:30 |
HK 55.3 |
Studies of systematic limitations in the EDM searches at storage rings — •Artem Saleev for the JEDI collaboration
11:45 |
HK 55.4 |
A Development of BPM for P-LINAC at FAIR — •Mohammed Almalki, Oliver Kester, Peter Forck, Wolfgang Kaufmann, Thomas Sieber, Piotr Kowina, Wolfgang Vinzenz, Claire Simon, Dejan Tinta, Rok Hrovatin, Promoz Lemut, and Christoph Krueger
12:00 |
HK 55.5 |
Simulations of the high energy beam transport section (HEBT) at FRANZ — •Ole Hinrichs, Christine Claessens, Manuel Heilmann, Oliver Meusel, Daniel Noll, Rene Reifarth, Stefan Schmidt, Malte Schwarz, and Kerstin Sonnabend
12:15 |
HK 55.6 |
Alpha Spectroscopy — Felix Krueger, •Heinrich Wilsenach, and Kai Zuber
12:30 |
HK 55.7 |
CHANDA and ERINDA: Joint European programs for research on safety of nuclear facilities and waste reduction — •Roland Beyer, Eckart Grosse, Roland Hannaske, Arnd R. Junghans, and Toni Kögler
12:45 |
HK 55.8 |
Sensitivity of future liquid xenon experiments to the detection of double-beta decays of xenon — •Jan Thurn