Mainz 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 22: Detektorsysteme 1
Montag, 24. März 2014, 11:00–12:35, GFH 01-721
11:00 |
T 22.1 |
Towards an InGrid based low energy X-ray detector for the CAST experiment — •Christoph Krieger, Klaus Desch, Jochen Kaminski, and Michael Lupberger
11:20 |
T 22.2 |
The ALPS-II Experiment in Hamburg; The current state — Reza Hodajerdi and •Friederike Januschek for the ALPS-II collaboration
11:35 |
T 22.3 |
Detecting single infrared photons with a W-TES for ALPS-II — •Noëmie Bastidon for the ALPS-II collaboration
11:50 |
T 22.4 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
12:05 |
T 22.5 |
Radiopurity of CaWO4 Crystals — •Andrea Münster, Andreas Ertl, Achim Gütlein, Jean-Côme Lanfranchi, Felix Neumann, Walter Potzel, Sabine Roth, Stefan Schönert, Moritz von Sivers, Raimund Strauss, Stephan Wawoczny, Michael Willers, Marc Wüstrich, and Andreas Zöller
12:20 |
T 22.6 |
Untersuchungen des elektrischen Feldes von hoch bestrahlten Diamantsensoren — Tobias Barvich, Wim de Boer, Alexander Dierlamm, Moritz Guthoff, •Florian Kassel, Thomas Müller, Andreas Nürnberg und Pia Steck