Mainz 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 36: Top-Quarks
Montag, 24. März 2014, 16:45–19:00, P102
16:45 |
T 36.1 |
A data-driven method for W+jets background estimation in tt events — •Arwa Bannoura
17:00 |
T 36.2 |
A Likelihood-based Reconstruction Algorithm for Top Quark Pairs - The KLFitter Framework — Johannes Erdmann, Stefan Guindon, Kevin Kröninger, Boris Lemmer, Olaf Nackenhorst, Arnulf Quadt, and •Philipp Stolte
17:15 |
T 36.3 |
Estimation of the W+Jets background in tt events using a matrix method at the ATLAS experiment — •Michael Homann, Ingo Burmeister, Hendrik Esch, Christian Jung, and Tobias Kupfer
17:30 |
T 36.4 |
Kinematic reconstruction of ttbar events in the dilepton decay channel with the CMS experiment — Olaf Behnke, Ganna Dolinska, and •Ievgen Korol
17:45 |
T 36.5 |
Messung des differentiellen Top-Quark-Antiquark-Paar-Wirkungsquerschnitts mit zusätzlichen Abstrahlungen bei CMS — •Alexis Descroix, Ulrich Husemann, Patricia Lobelle, Hannes Mildner und Shawn Williamson
18:00 |
T 36.6 |
Anwendungen der Matrixelement-Methode am LHC — •Patrick Rieck
18:15 |
T 36.7 |
Measurement of the pp→ ttbb cross-section with 8 TeV ATLAS data — •Spyridon Argyropoulos and Judith Katzy
18:30 |
T 36.8 |
Untersuchung von Winkelverteilungen bei Top-Quark-Paarzerfällen am ATLAS Experiment — •Jan Küchler, Peter Mättig und Sebastian Fleischmann
18:45 |
T 36.9 |
Measurement of the Cross Section of Top Quark associated Bottom Pair Production with the CMS Experiment — •Robert Fischer, Daniel van Asseldonk, Martin Erdmann, Marcel Rieger, and Jan Steggemann