Mainz 2014 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 42: Elektroschwache Wechselwirkung 2
Montag, 24. März 2014, 16:45–19:00, P110
16:45 |
T 42.1 |
Measurement of transverse momentum distribution of Z bosons with muons decay channel in proton-proton collisions at √s=8 TeV with 2012 ATLAS data — •Tai-Hua Lin, Mikhail Karnevskiy, and Matthias Schott
17:00 |
T 42.2 |
Low and High Mass Drell-Yan events in the CMS experiment — •Samantha Dooling and Hannes Jung
17:15 |
T 42.3 |
Measurement of the transverse momentum of Z bosons at the ATLAS detector with electrons in the final state — •Christoph Zimmermann
17:30 |
T 42.4 |
Measurement of tripple differential Drell-Yan cross section for central-forward electron selection using 20.4 fb-1 of ATLAS 8 TeV data — •Elena Yatsenko
17:45 |
T 42.5 |
Messung des Drell-Yan Wirkungsquerschnitts im Bereich hoher invarianter Massen mit dem ATLAS-Experiment — Frank Ellinghaus, Stefan Tapprogge und •Markus Zinser
18:00 |
T 42.6 |
Electromagnetic exclusive di-lepton production in pPb collisions at √s = 5.02 TeV at the CMS experiment — •Melike Akbiyik, Colin Baus, Sebastian Baur, Igor Katkov, Ralf Ulrich, and Hauke Woehrmann
18:15 |
T 42.7 |
Messung des differentiellen W → eν Wirkungsquerschnitts mit dem ATLAS-Experiment bei √s = 7 Te −0.1em V — •Felix Bührer, Karl Jakobs und Kristin Lohwasser
18:30 |
T 42.8 |
Untergrundbestimmung für die W-Boson Produktion in Assoziation mit Jets — •Valerie Lang
18:45 |
T 42.9 |
Measurement of the production cross-section of a W boson in association with a charm quark in pp collisions at √s=8 TeV in ATLAS — •Christopher Betancourt, Kristin Lohwasser, Christian Weiser, Karl Jakobs, and Georges Aad