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AGA: Arbeitsgruppe Physik und Abrüstung

Mon, 15:00–15:15 HL 001 AGA 1: Opening
Mon, 15:15–16:30 HL 001 AGA 2: Early Modern to the I. World War
Mon, 16:30–18:15 HL 001 AGA 3: I. World War
Tue, 09:30–12:30 HL 001 AGA 4: Engagement for Peace
Tue, 14:00–15:45 HL 001 AGA 5: Research for the Military I
Wed, 09:30–11:15 HL 001 AGA 6: Research for the Military II
Wed, 15:00–17:00 EMH 225 AGA 7: Disposition of Excess Weapon Plutonium
Wed, 17:00–18:00 EMH 225 AGA 8: Acoustic and Seismic Signals for Safeguards and Verification
Thu, 09:30–11:00 EMH 225 AGA 9: Verification
Thu, 11:00–12:00 EMH 225 AGA 10: Nuclear Disarmament
Thu, 12:00–12:30 EMH 225 AGA 11: Drones and Autonomous Systems
Thu, 15:00–17:00 EMH 225 AGA 12: Missile Defense
Thu, 17:00–18:00 EMH 225 AGA 13: Warhead Dismantlement and Verification Technologies
Fri, 10:00–10:30 EMH 225 AGA 14: Reactor Depletion and Transmutation
Fri, 10:30–12:00 EMH 225 AGA 15: Safeguards Analysis and Verification
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2015 > Berlin