09:30 |
AGjDPG 3.1 |
Invited Talk:
Experimental Studies of Quantum Phase Transitions — •Andrew Mackenzie
10:15 |
AGjDPG 3.2 |
Invited Talk:
Metallic Quantum Ferromagnets — •Manuel Brando
10:45 |
AGjDPG 3.3 |
Neutron-Depolarisation Imaging of the Ferromagnetic Quantum Phase Transition in ZrZn2 — •Philipp Schmakat, Marco Halder, Georg Brandl, Michael Schulz, Stephen Hayden, Robert Georgii, Peter Böni, and Christian Pfleiderer
11:00 |
30 min. Coffee Break
11:30 |
AGjDPG 3.4 |
Invited Talk:
Theoretical Concepts of Quantum Phase Transitions — •Matthias Vojta
12:15 |
AGjDPG 3.5 |
Invited Talk:
Quantum criticality and beyond — •Andrew Schofield
12:45 |
AGjDPG 3.6 |
Universal Postquench Prethermalization at a Quantum Critical Point — •Pia Gagel, Peter Orth, and Jörg Schmalian
13:00 |
Lunch Break
14:00 |
AGjDPG 3.7 |
Invited Talk:
Quantum Criticality in Quantum Magnets — •Christian Rüegg
14:30 |
AGjDPG 3.8 |
Quantum criticality in frustrated CePd1−xNixAl — •Akito Sakai, Stefan Lucas, Veronika Fritsch, Philipp Gegenwart, Oliver Stockert, and Hilbert v. Löhneysen
14:45 |
AGjDPG 3.9 |
Invited Talk:
Quantum Phase Transitions out of topologically-ordered quantum phases — •Kai Schmidt
15:15 |
AGjDPG 3.10 |
The contribution has been moved to TT 8.12.
15:30 |
AGjDPG 3.11 |
The contribution has been moved to MA 18.8.
15:45 |
AGjDPG 3.12 |
The contribution has been moved to TT 30.14.
16:00 |
Posters (on display from 11:00)
16:15 |
AGjDPG 3.13 |
Fermi surface on the border of Mott transition in NiS2 — •Hui Chang, Sven Friedemann, Monika Gamza, William Coniglio, David Graf, Stan Tozer, and Malte Grosche
16:15 |
AGjDPG 3.14 |
Transport properties across the quantum phase transitions in Mn1−xFexSi — •Fabian Jerzembeck, Marlies Gangl, Anna Kusmartseva, Andreas Bauer, and Christian Pfleiderer
16:15 |
AGjDPG 3.15 |
Identification of a Brazovskii quantum phase transition in the Chiral Magnet MnSi — •Jonas Kindervater, Stefan Ernst, Andreas Bauer, Wolfgang Häußler, Nicolas Martin, Peter Böni, Markus Garst, and Christian Pfleiderer
16:15 |
AGjDPG 3.16 |
Tuning ZrFe4Si2 by Ge substitution: confirming the proximity to a magnetic quantum critical point — •Katharina Weber, Nandang Mufti, Til Goltz, Theo Woike, Hans-Henning Klauß, Christoph Bergmann, Helge Rosner, and Christoph Geibel