So, 16:00–18:30 |
H 0104 |
DY 1: Tutorial: From spin models to macroeconomics (joint tutorial SOE/ DY/ jDPG) |
Mo, 09:30–12:15 |
BH-N 243 |
DY 2: Statistical Physics in Biological Systems (joint session DY/ BP/CPP) |
Mo, 09:30–12:00 |
BH-N 334 |
DY 3: Anomalous Diffusion (joint session DY/ CPP) |
Mo, 09:30–12:30 |
BH-N 128 |
DY 4: Granular Matter / Contact Dynamics Part I |
Mo, 09:30–12:45 |
C 130 |
DY 5: Colloids and Complex Liquids I (joint session CPP/ BP/ DY) |
Mo, 09:30–11:30 |
PC 203 |
DY 6: Crystallization, Nucleation and Self Assembly I (joint session CPP/ DY) |
Mo, 09:30–13:00 |
H 0104 |
DY 7: Correlated Electrons: Nonequilibrium Quantum Many-Body Systems 1 (joint session TT/ DY) |
Mo, 12:15–13:15 |
MA 001 |
DY 8: Networks - From Topology to Dynamics Part I (joint session SOE/ DY / BP) |
Mo, 15:00–18:45 |
BH-N 243 |
DY 9: Brownian Motion and Transport (Joint session DY/ CPP/ TT) |
Mo, 15:00–18:30 |
BH-N 334 |
DY 10: Quantum Dynamics, Decoherence and Quantum Information (joint session DY/ TT) |
Mo, 15:00–18:45 |
C 130 |
DY 11: Colloids and Complex Liquids II (joint session CPP/ DY) |
Mo, 15:30–17:00 |
BH-N 128 |
DY 12: Granular Matter / Contact Dynamics Part II |
Mo, 15:45–18:30 |
PC 203 |
DY 13: Crystallization, Nucleation and Self Assembly II (joint session CPP/ DY) |
Di, 09:30–12:30 |
BH-N 243 |
DY 14: Focus Session: Chimera states: symmetry-breaking in dynamical networks (joint session DY/ BP) |
Di, 09:30–12:30 |
BH-N 334 |
DY 15: Statistical Physics - general |
Di, 09:30–12:30 |
BH-N 128 |
DY 16: Microswimmers - Part I (joint session DY/ BP/ CPP) |
Di, 09:30–12:00 |
BH-N 333 |
DY 17: Modeling and Data Analysis |
Di, 09:30–13:00 |
H 0104 |
DY 18: Focus Session: Dynamics in Many-Body Systems: Equilibration and Localization (joint session TT/DY) |
Di, 09:30–12:15 |
A 053 |
DY 19: Transport: Graphene (joint session TT/ CPP/ DS/ DY/ HL/ MA/ O) |
Di, 10:15–13:15 |
MA 001 |
DY 20: Focus Session: Complex Contagion Phenmomena (joint session SOE/ DY/ BP) |
Di, 14:00–16:00 |
H 3010 |
DY 21: Correlated Electrons: Nonequilibrium Quantum Many-Body Systems 3 (joint session TT/ DY) |
Di, 14:00–16:15 |
MA 001 |
DY 22: Evolutionary Game Theory II (joint session SOE/ BP/ DY) |
Di, 14:30–16:15 |
BH-N 243 |
DY 23: Reaction-Diffusion Systems |
Di, 14:30–16:00 |
BH-N 334 |
DY 24: Quantum Chaos (joint session DY/ TT) |
Di, 15:00–16:15 |
BH-N 128 |
DY 25: Nonlinear Stochastic Systems |
Mi, 09:30–12:30 |
BH-N 243 |
DY 26: Focus Session: Percolation and turbulent transition |
Mi, 09:30–12:15 |
BH-N 334 |
DY 27: Statistical Physics far from Thermal Equilibrium - Part I |
Mi, 09:30–12:00 |
BH-N 128 |
DY 28: Nonlinear Dynamics, Synchronization and Chaos - Part I |
Mi, 09:30–13:15 |
H 1028 |
DY 29: Statistical Physics of Biological Systems - Part II (joint session BP/DY/CPP) |
Mi, 09:30–12:15 |
H 0105 |
DY 30: SYPS: Physics of Sustainability and Human-Nature Interactions (joint symposium SOE/ AKE/ BP/ DY/ jDPG) |
Mi, 11:30–12:45 |
H 3005 |
DY 31: Transport: Fluctuations and Noise (joint session TT/ CPP/ DY) |
Mi, 15:00–18:45 |
BH-N 243 |
DY 32: Focus Session: Statistics of fully developed turbulence |
Mi, 15:00–18:15 |
BH-N 334 |
DY 33: Critical Phenomena and Phase Transitions |
Mi, 15:00–16:15 |
BH-N 128 |
DY 34: Nonlinear Dynamics, Synchronization and Chaos - Part II |
Mi, 15:00–16:45 |
BH-N 333 |
DY 35: Complex Fluids and Soft Matter - Part I (joint session DY/ CPP / BP) |
Mi, 15:00–17:45 |
H 0105 |
DY 36: SYHM Higgs Modes in Condensed Matter and Quantum Gases |
Mi, 15:00–16:30 |
A 151 |
DY 37: Fluctuating Electricity Supply: Modelling of Generation, Backup and Storage (joint session AKE / DY / SOE) |
Mi, 15:00–18:15 |
C 243 |
DY 38: Wetting, Micro and Nanofluidics (joint session CPP/ DY) |
Mi, 15:00–18:30 |
C 264 |
DY 39: Flow-Induced Structures in Complex Fluids (joint session CPP/ DRG, Deutsche Rheologische Gesellschaft/ DY) |
Mi, 16:45–18:30 |
MA 001 |
DY 40: Physics of Sustainability and Human-Nature Interactions - Part I (joint session SOE/ DY/ jDPG/ BP/ AKE) |
Do, 09:30–11:45 |
BH-N 334 |
DY 41: Complex Fluids and Soft Matter - Part II (joint session DY/ CPP / BP) |
Do, 09:30–11:00 |
BH-N 128 |
DY 42: Delay and Feedback Dynamics |
Do, 09:30–12:45 |
BH-N 243 |
DY 43: Energy Systems and Power Grid (joint session DY/ AK Energy /SOE) |
Do, 09:30–12:15 |
BH-N 333 |
DY 44: Pattern Formation |
Do, 09:30–13:00 |
C 243 |
DY 45: Focus: Disordered Systems, Glasses under Shear I (joint session CPP/ DY) |
Do, 09:30–12:00 |
C 264 |
DY 46: Flow-Induced Structures in Complex Fluids - Part II (joint session CPP/ DRG, Deutsche Rheologische Gesellschaft/ DY) |
Do, 09:30–11:15 |
H 2053 |
DY 47: Superconductivity: Higgs Modes in Condensed Matter and Quantum Gases (joint session TT/ DY/ MA/ O) |
Do, 12:00–13:15 |
MA 001 |
DY 48: Networks: From Topology to Dynamics - Part II (joint session SOE/ DY/ BP) |
Do, 12:00–13:15 |
MA 001 |
DY 49: Dynamics on and of Networks (joint session SOE/ DY / BP) |
Do, 15:00–17:00 |
BH-N 243 |
DY 50: Extreme Events (joint session DY/ SOE) |
Do, 15:00–16:45 |
BH-N 334 |
DY 51: Complex Fluids and Soft Matter - Part III (joint session DY/ CPP / BP) |
Do, 15:00–17:30 |
BH-N 128 |
DY 52: Glasses and Glass transition (joint session DY/ DF/ CPP) |
Do, 15:30–17:00 |
C 243 |
DY 53: Focus: Disordered Systems/Glasses under Shear (joint session CPP/ DY) |
Do, 15:45–18:00 |
PC 203 |
DY 54: Microswimmers, Active Liquids - Part II (joint session CPP/ BP/ DY) |
Do, 16:00–18:00 |
Poster A |
DY 55: Poster - Quantum Systems |
Do, 16:00–18:00 |
Poster A |
DY 56: Poster - Statistical Physics |
Do, 16:00–18:00 |
Poster A |
DY 57: Poster - Diffusion |
Do, 16:00–18:00 |
Poster A |
DY 58: Poster - Fluids |
Do, 16:00–18:00 |
Poster A |
DY 59: Poster - networks |
Do, 16:00–18:00 |
Poster A |
DY 60: Poster - complex systems and data analysis |
Do, 16:00–18:00 |
Poster A |
DY 61: Poster - Glasses |
Do, 16:00–18:00 |
Poster A |
DY 62: Poster - Dynamics |
Do, 17:00–18:30 |
MA 001 |
DY 63: Physics of Sustainability and Human-Nature Interactions II (joint session SOE/ DY/ jDPG/ BP) |
Do, 18:00–19:00 |
BH-N 334 |
DY 64: Annual General Meeting of the Dynamics and Statistical Physics Division |
Fr, 09:30–11:30 |
BH-N 243 |
DY 65: Special Session in Honor of the 75th Birthday of Siegfried Hess: Non-equilibrium dynamics of anisotropic fluids |
Fr, 09:30–12:00 |
BH-N 334 |
DY 66: Focus Session: Aging in Physical and Biological Systems (joint session DY/ BP) |
Fr, 09:30–12:45 |
BH-N 128 |
DY 67: Networks: From Topology to Dynamics (joint session DY/ BP/SOE) |
Fr, 09:30–11:15 |
C 243 |
DY 68: Glasses and Glass Transition (joint session CPP/ DF/ DY) |
Fr, 09:30–12:15 |
H 1058 |
DY 69: Complex Fluids and Soft Matter (joint session BP/DY/CPP) |
Fr, 09:30–11:30 |
C 264 |
DY 70: Microswimmers, Active Liquids - Part III (joint session CPP/ BP/ DY) |