GR 16: Numerical Relativity
Donnerstag, 19. März 2015, 15:00–18:10, H 2013
15:00 |
GR 16.1 |
Perturbing AdS space—turbulence and time-periodic solutions — •Maciej Maliborski
15:20 |
GR 16.2 |
Critical behaviour in the Einstein-Yang-Mills system — •Oliver Rinne and Maciej Maliborski
15:40 |
GR 16.3 |
Numerical evolution of the axisymmetric vacuum Einstein equations in spherical coordinates: the linear case — •Christian Schell and Oliver Rinne
16:00 |
30 min. break
16:30 |
GR 16.4 |
Discontinous Galerkin methods in general relativistic hydrodynamics — •Marcus Bugner, Tim Dietrich, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, and Bernd Brügmann
16:50 |
GR 16.5 |
Axisymmetric constant mean curvature slices in the Kerr space-time — •David Schinkel, Rodrigo Panosso Macedo, and Marcus Ansorg
17:10 |
GR 16.6 |
Initial data for binary neutron stars with adjustable eccentricity — •Niclas Moldenhauer, Charalampos Markakis, Nathan Johnson-McDaniel, Wolfgang Tichy, and Bernd Brügmann
17:30 |
GR 16.7 |
Dynamical simulations of neutron star spacetimes with conservative mesh refinement — •Tim Dietrich, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, Maximiliano Ujevic, and Bernd Brügmann
17:50 |
GR 16.8 |
A new gravitational wave generation algorithm for particle perturbations of the Kerr spacetime — •Enno Harms, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, Alessandro Nagar, and Anil Zenginoglu