So, 16:00–18:25 |
H 1058 |
HL 1: Tutorial: Electro chemistry 4 condensed matter physicists |
Mo, 09:30–11:00 |
ER 164 |
HL 2: Organic-inorganic perovskite semiconductors (with O) |
Mo, 09:30–11:30 |
ER 270 |
HL 3: Graphene: THz, NIR and transport properties (with O/TT) |
Mo, 09:30–13:15 |
EW 201 |
HL 4: Focus Session (with TT): Functional semiconductor nanowires I |
Mo, 09:30–11:45 |
EW 202 |
HL 5: Photovoltaics: CIGS and related compounds |
Mo, 09:30–13:00 |
H 2032 |
HL 6: Organic electronics and photovoltaics (DS with HL/CPP) |
Mo, 09:30–13:00 |
H 3005 |
HL 7: Transport: Quantum coherence and quantum information systems - Theory (TT with HL) |
Mo, 09:30–12:00 |
A 053 |
HL 8: Transport: Spintronics and magnetotransport (TT with HL) |
Mo, 10:00–13:00 |
EW 203 |
HL 9: Quantum dots: Optical properties |
Mo, 11:15–13:00 |
ER 164 |
HL 10: Photovoltaics: Kesterites and less widely used materials (with DF) |
Mo, 11:45–13:00 |
ER 270 |
HL 11: Transition-metal dichalcogenides and boron nitride (with O) |
Mo, 15:00–17:30 |
ER 164 |
HL 12: Graphene: mostly Theory (with O/TT) |
Mo, 15:00–18:45 |
EW 201 |
HL 13: Focus Session (with TT): Functional semiconductor nanowires II |
Mo, 15:00–16:45 |
EW 202 |
HL 14: Organic photovoltaics and electronics - mostly cell design (with DS) |
Mo, 15:00–15:30 |
EW 203 |
HL 15: Invited Talk Fritz Henneberger |
Mo, 15:00–17:15 |
H 0110 |
HL 16: Transport: Quantum coherence and quantum information systems - Experiments (TT with HL) |
Mo, 15:00–17:45 |
A 053 |
HL 17: Transport: Topological insulators 1 (TT with DS/HL) |
Mo, 15:45–17:15 |
EW 203 |
HL 18: Plasmons, plasmonic laser, and spaser |
Mo, 17:00–19:00 |
EW 202 |
HL 19: Organic photovoltaics and electronics - mostly properties of the absorber (with DS) |
Mo, 15:00–20:00 |
Poster B |
HL 20: Poster IA (Ultrafast phenomena; Optical properties; Transport; Theory) |
Mo, 15:00–20:00 |
Poster B |
HL 21: Poster IB (Oxide semiconductors; II-VI and group IV semiconductors; Nanotubes and Buckyballs) |
Di, 09:30–10:00 |
ER 164 |
HL 22: Invited Talk Salvatore Savasta |
Di, 09:30–12:00 |
ER 270 |
HL 23: Spintronics: Excitons and local spins (with MA/TT) |
Di, 09:30–13:00 |
EW 202 |
HL 24: Thermoelectricity |
Di, 09:30–11:00 |
EW 203 |
HL 25: Quantum dots: Microcavities and microlaser |
Di, 09:30–13:00 |
C 130 |
HL 26: Organic electronics and photovoltaics: Transport of charges - from molecules to devices (CPP with HL/TT) |
Di, 09:30–13:00 |
H 2032 |
HL 27: Doped Si nanostructures (DS with HL/TT) |
Di, 09:30–13:00 |
H 3005 |
HL 28: Transport: Topological insulators 2 (TT with HL/DS) |
Di, 09:30–12:15 |
A 053 |
HL 29: Transport: Graphene (TT with CPP/DS/DY/HL/O) |
Di, 10:15–11:45 |
ER 164 |
HL 30: Photovoltaics: Nanostructured materials |
Di, 10:30–11:00 |
EW 201 |
HL 31: Invited Talk in honor of Bruno K. Meyer: Axel Hoffman |
Di, 10:30–13:00 |
MA 041 |
HL 32: Graphene: Growth & intercalation (O with HL/TT) |
Di, 10:30–13:30 |
MA 004 |
HL 33: Frontiers of Electronic Structure Theory: Nuclear Dynamics, Methods |
Di, 11:15–13:00 |
EW 201 |
HL 34: Nitrides: Dots, rods, and structures |
Di, 11:15–12:45 |
EW 203 |
HL 35: Semiconductor laser |
Di, 14:00–16:00 |
C 130 |
HL 36: Organic electronics and photovoltaics: OPV I (CPP with HL/TT) |
Di, 14:00–16:00 |
H 0110 |
HL 37: Transport: Topological insulators 3 (TT with HL/DS) |
Di, 14:00–15:45 |
MA 004 |
HL 38: Frontiers of electronic structure theory: Charge and spin dynamics |
Di, 14:00–20:00 |
Poster F |
HL 39: Posters II (Topological insulators; Graphene; Spintronics and spin physics; Quantum information science) |
Mi, 09:30–11:15 |
ER 164 |
HL 40: Focus Session: Role of polarization fields in nitride devices I |
Mi, 09:30–11:30 |
ER 270 |
HL 41: Topological insulators: Theory (with DS/MA/O/TT) |
Mi, 09:30–12:00 |
EW 015 |
HL 42: Devices |
Mi, 09:30–10:45 |
EW 202 |
HL 43: Ultra-fast phenomena |
Mi, 09:30–13:00 |
EW 203 |
HL 44: Quantum dots: Preparation and characterization |
Mi, 09:30–13:00 |
C 130 |
HL 45: Organic electronics and photovoltaics: OPV II (CPP with HL/TT) |
Mi, 10:30–13:00 |
MA 041 |
HL 46: Graphene: Dynamics (O with HL/TT) |
Mi, 10:30–13:30 |
MA 004 |
HL 47: Frontiers of electronic structure theory: Organics and materials |
Mi, 11:00–13:00 |
EW 201 |
HL 48: Focus Session (with O): Nanophotonic concepts and materials for energy harvesting - Plasmonics, transformation optics, upconversion, and beyond I |
Mi, 11:00–13:00 |
EW 202 |
HL 49: Quantum information systems: mostly concepts (with TT) |
Mi, 11:45–13:00 |
ER 270 |
HL 50: Topological insulators: Transport (with MA/O/TT) |
Mi, 15:00–16:45 |
ER 164 |
HL 51: Focus Session: Role of polarization fields in nitride devices II |
Mi, 15:00–16:30 |
ER 270 |
HL 52: Topological insulators: Structure and electronic structure (with DS/MA/O/TT) |
Mi, 15:00–16:00 |
EW 015 |
HL 53: Photonic crystals |
Mi, 15:00–16:30 |
EW 201 |
HL 54: Focus Session: Nanophotonic concepts and materials for energy harvesting - Plasmonics, transformation optics, upconversion, and beyond II |
Mi, 15:00–16:45 |
EW 203 |
HL 55: Quantum dots: Interaction with environment |
Mi, 15:00–18:30 |
MA 004 |
HL 56: Frontiers of electronic structure theory: Optical excitations |
Mi, 16:15–18:00 |
EW 015 |
HL 57: Optical properties of bulk semiconductors |
Mi, 16:30–18:45 |
EW 202 |
HL 58: OFETs, OLEDs, and organic optoelectronics |
Mi, 16:45–18:45 |
ER 270 |
HL 59: Graphene: Applications, luminescence and spin relaxation (HL with O/TT) |
Mi, 17:15–18:45 |
EW 203 |
HL 60: Quantum dots: Transport |
Mi, 15:00–20:00 |
Poster F |
HL 61: Posters III (Organic-inorganic perovskite semiconductors; Organic photovoltaics and electronics; Photovoltaics; Energy science; New materials and concepts) |
Do, 09:30–10:00 |
ER 270 |
HL 62: Invited Talk Rolf Haug |
Do, 09:30–11:30 |
EW 015 |
HL 63: Group IV elements and compounds |
Do, 09:30–12:45 |
EW 202 |
HL 64: Focus Session: Optical interconnects - Materials, devices, and integration |
Do, 09:30–12:45 |
H 2032 |
HL 65: Focus Session (DS with HL): Oxide semiconductors I |
Do, 09:30–13:00 |
C 130 |
HL 66: Focus Session (CPP with HL): Hybrid photovoltaics and perovskites I |
Do, 09:30–12:00 |
EB 202 |
HL 67: Topological insulators I (MA with HL/TT) |
Do, 09:30–11:00 |
H 3010 |
HL 68: Low-dimensional systems: Molecular conductors (TT with CPP/HL/MA/O) |
Do, 09:30–13:00 |
EB 407 |
HL 69: GHz Dielectrics - Materials for mobile communication I (DF with HL/MM) |
Do, 10:00–12:30 |
ER 164 |
HL 70: Spintronics: Mobile electrons and holes (with MA/TT) |
Do, 10:15–12:30 |
EW 201 |
HL 71: New concepts and new materials |
Do, 10:15–11:45 |
EW 203 |
HL 72: Quantum wires |
Do, 10:30–13:00 |
MA 041 |
HL 73: Graphene: Structure (O with HL/TT) |
Do, 10:30–13:15 |
MA 004 |
HL 74: Frontiers of electronic structure theory: 2D TMDC and excitonic effects |
Do, 11:00–13:00 |
A 053 |
HL 75: Transport: Quantum dots, quantum wires, point contacts 1 (TT with HL) |
Do, 11:30–13:00 |
EW 015 |
HL 76: Carbon nanotubes |
Do, 11:30–13:00 |
H 3010 |
HL 77: Low-dimensional systems: Topological order 1 (TT with HL) |
Do, 12:30–13:00 |
ER 164 |
HL 78: Invited Talk Mariusz Ciorga |
Do, 15:00–17:00 |
ER 164 |
HL 79: Quantum information systems: Si vacancies and NV centers (with TT) |
Do, 15:00–17:15 |
EW 015 |
HL 80: Challenges in semiconductor theory |
Do, 15:00–18:15 |
EW 201 |
HL 81: Heterostructures and interfaces |
Do, 15:00–15:30 |
EW 202 |
HL 82: Invited Talk Dan Buca |
Do, 15:00–19:00 |
H 2032 |
HL 83: Focus Session: Oxide semiconductors II (DS with HL) |
Do, 15:00–18:15 |
C 130 |
HL 84: Focus Session (CPP with HL): Hybrid photovoltaics and perovskites II |
Do, 15:00–17:45 |
EB 202 |
HL 85: Topological Insulators 2 (MA with HL/TT) |
Do, 15:00–18:30 |
A 053 |
HL 86: Transport: Quantum dots, quantum wires, point contacts 2 (TT with HL) |
Do, 15:00–18:30 |
H 3010 |
HL 87: Low-dimensional systems: Topological order 2 (TT with DS/HL/MA/O) |
Do, 15:00–17:00 |
EB 407 |
HL 88: GHz Dielectrics - Materials for mobile communication II (DF with DY/HL/MM) |
Do, 15:00–18:15 |
MA 041 |
HL 89: Graphene: Electronic structure (O with HL/TT) |
Do, 15:00–18:45 |
H 0111 |
HL 90: Phase change / resistive switching (DS with HL) |
Do, 15:00–18:30 |
MA 004 |
HL 91: Frontiers of electronic structure theory: Many-body effects, methods |
Do, 15:45–17:45 |
EW 202 |
HL 92: VCSELs, optical interconnects and Si photonics |
Do, 15:45–17:45 |
EW 203 |
HL 93: III-V semiconductors (other than nitrides) |
Do, 14:00–20:00 |
Poster B |
HL 94: Poster IV A (Laser; Devices; Heterostructures; Surfaces, interfaces and defects) |
Do, 14:00–20:00 |
Poster B |
HL 95: Poster IV B (Quantum dots and wires: Prepration, characterization, optical properties, and transport) |
Do, 14:00–20:00 |
Poster B |
HL 96: Poster III C (III-V Semiconductors incl. Nitrides) |
Fr, 09:30–11:00 |
ER 164 |
HL 97: Quantum dots and wires: Pillars and cavities |
Fr, 09:30–12:30 |
EW 201 |
HL 98: Nitrides: Bulk material, films, surfaces and quantum wells |
Fr, 09:30–10:00 |
EW 202 |
HL 99: Invited Talk Werner Wegscheider |
Fr, 09:30–12:30 |
EW 203 |
HL 100: ZnO and its relatives |
Fr, 09:30–12:15 |
H 0105 |
HL 101: Frontiers of electronic structure theory: Many-body effects on the nano-scale |
Fr, 09:30–12:00 |
C 130 |
HL 102: Organic electronics and photovoltaics: Devices (CPP with HL/TT) |
Fr, 09:30–12:00 |
EB 202 |
HL 103: Spintronics incl. quantum dynamics (MA with HL/TT) |
Fr, 09:30–12:30 |
H 0110 |
HL 104: Transport: Molecular electronics (TT with CPP/HL/MA/O) |
Fr, 09:30–12:15 |
H 0104 |
HL 105: Transport: Majorana fermions (TT with DS/HL/MA/O) |
Fr, 10:00–13:00 |
EW 202 |
HL 106: Transport, magnetotransport and quantum Hall physics |
Fr, 10:15–13:00 |
EW 015 |
HL 107: Microcavities, polaritons and condensates |
Fr, 10:30–12:45 |
MA 041 |
HL 108: Graphene: Intercalation (O with HL/TT) |
Fr, 11:15–13:15 |
ER 164 |
HL 109: Quantum dots and wires: Quantum communication and quantum information science |