Berlin 2015 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 11: Biomaterials and Biopolymers I (joint BP/CPP)
Montag, 16. März 2015, 14:30–17:15, EB 202
14:30 |
MM 11.1 |
Determination of Conformational Entropy of Fully and Partially Folded Conformations of Holo- and Apomyoglobin — •Andreas Stadler, Marek Koza, and Jörg Fitter
14:45 |
MM 11.2 |
Mechanical rupture of mono- and bivalent coordination compounds — •Manuel Gensler, Christian Eidamshaus, Arthur Galstyan, Ernst-Walter Knapp, Hans-Ulrich Reißig, and Jürgen P. Rabe
15:00 |
MM 11.3 |
Opposite translocation of long and short oligomers through a nanopore — •Thomas Töws, Sebastian Getfert, and Peter Reimann
15:15 |
MM 11.4 |
Hydrodynamic Slip on DNA in Nanopore Translocation Experiments — Lukas Galla, •Andreas J. Meyer, Andre Spiering, Andy Sischka, Michael Mayer, Adam R. Hall, Peter Reimann, and Dario Anselmetti
15:30 |
MM 11.5 |
How to escape the maze — •Teresa Behl, Felix Höfling, and Thomas Franosch
15:45 |
15 min break
16:00 |
MM 11.6 |
Theory on linear viscoelasticity of a cytoskeletal network — •Tetsuya Hiraiwa and Roland Netz
16:15 |
MM 11.7 |
Scaling with persistence length: Expanding the accessible phase space of semi-flexible polymer networks via DNA tubes — •Carsten Schuldt, Jessica Lorenz, Jörg Schnauß, Tina Händler, Martin Glaser, Josef A. Käs, and David M. Smith
16:30 |
MM 11.8 |
pH-dependent Ordered Fibrinogen Adsorption on Polyethylene Single Crystals — •Christian Helbing, Robert Schulze, Dominik Hering, and Klaus D. Jandt
16:45 |
MM 11.9 |
Insights into diatom biomineralization with nanoscale silica-peptide hybrid films — •Helmut Lutz, Vance Jaeger, Jim Pfaendtner, Mischa Bonn, and Tobias Weidner
17:00 |
MM 11.10 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.