Berlin 2015 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 31: Liquid and Amorphous Metals IV: Structure and Electronic Properties of Glasses
Mittwoch, 18. März 2015, 10:15–11:30, H 0107
10:15 |
MM 31.1 |
Computer simulations of glasses: the potential energy landscape — •Zamaan Raza, Björn Alling, and Igor Abrikosov
10:30 |
MM 31.2 |
On the process of structure formation and emergence of properties in AlMnCu — •Syed Sajid Ali Gillani, Steffen Schulze, and Peter Häussler
10:45 |
MM 31.3 |
Structure and electronic transport of amorphous Ga-Mn alloys — •Leopold Koch, Hans Weber, Martin Stiehler, Steffen Schulze, and Peter Häussler
11:00 |
MM 31.4 |
Structure and electronic properties of amorphous In-Mn-alloys — •Benny Böhm, Syed Sajid Ali Gillani, Martin Stiehler, Steffen Schulze, and Peter Häussler
11:15 |
MM 31.5 |
Structure and electronic properties of Al-Pd-Alloys — •Pierre Pudwell, Martin Stiehler, Steffen Schulze, and Peter Häussler