Berlin 2015 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 36: Nanomaterials I: Excess Volume and Confinement
Mittwoch, 18. März 2015, 11:45–12:45, H 0107
11:45 |
MM 36.1 |
Redistribution of Excess Volume by Mechanical Deformation in Nanocrystalline Alloys — •Michael Johannes Deckarm, Timo Tscharntke, and Rainer Birringer
12:00 |
MM 36.2 |
Defects and structural anisotropy of HPT- and ECAP-deformed Ni studied by difference dilatometry — •Jaromir Kotzurek, Anton Hohenwarter, Simon Trubel, Christian Neubauer, Sergiy Divinski, Wolfgang Sprengel, Gerhard Wilde, Reinhard Pippan, and Roland Würschum
12:15 |
MM 36.3 |
Charakterisierung der Nanoporen in mit Ionic Liquid beladenem Silica Gel über die Messung der Positronenlebensdauer — Christian Herold, •Christoph Hugenschmidt und Hubert Ceeh
12:30 |
MM 36.4 |
The contribution has been moved to HL 12.10.