Berlin 2015 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 41: Electron Microscopy
Mittwoch, 18. März 2015, 15:45–17:15, TC 006
15:45 |
MM 41.1 |
Five-fold dissociation of dislocations in the hexagonal complex metallic alloy my-AlMn — •Marc Heggen, Stefan Roitsch, and Michael Feuerbacher
16:00 |
MM 41.2 |
Effect of severe plastic deformation on Al3Sc precipitation in an Al-Mg-Mn-Sc alloy — •Yulia Buranova, Anna Mogucheva, Harald Rösner, Ankit Gupta, Tilmann Hickel, Sergiy V. Divinski, and Gerhard Wilde
16:15 |
MM 41.3 |
Comprehensive model of metadislocation motion in o-Al13Co4 — •Markus Heidelmann, Marc Heggen, Christian Dwyer, and Michael Feuerbacher
16:30 |
MM 41.4 |
Crystallization of amorphous FeNiP nanowire arrays studied by in-situ TEM — Nina Winkler, •Martin Peterlechner, and Gerhard Wilde
16:45 |
MM 41.5 |
Determination of local density in amorphous materials based on HAADF-STEM signals — •Lea Kümper, Vitalij Schmidt, Harald Rösner, Martin Peterlechner, Tobias Brink, and Gerhard Wilde
17:00 |
MM 41.6 |
Comparison of medium-range order in shear bands and matrix of a metallic glass by fluctuation electron microscopy — •Vitalij Schmidt, Harald Rösner, Martin Peterlechner, Paul Voyles, and Gerhard Wilde