Berlin 2015 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 51: Mechanical properties II
Donnerstag, 19. März 2015, 10:15–11:45, TC 010
10:15 |
MM 51.1 |
Velocity strengthening friction significantly affects interfacial dynamics, strength and dissipation — •Robert Spatschek, Marc Weikamp, Efim Brener, Yohai Bar-Sinai, and Eran Bouchbinder
10:30 |
MM 51.2 |
microstructure evolution of brass alloys under dry reciprocating tribological loading — •zhilong liu, philipp messer, peter gumbsch, and christian greiner
10:45 |
MM 51.3 |
Nanotribology induced Microstructure Evolution in Pearlite — •Caroline Fink, Steffen Brinckmann, Sunmi Shin, and Gerhard Dehm
11:00 |
MM 51.4 |
Roughness and Microstructure Development during Nanotribology in Austenite — •Steffen Brinckmann, Caroline Fink, and Gerhard Dehm
11:15 |
MM 51.5 |
Investigation of VHCF behavior of an austenitic-ferritic duplex steel during insitu XRD measurements with different load amplitudes — •Anne K. Hüsecken, Marcus Söker, Ulrich Krupp, and Ullrich Pietsch
11:30 |
15 min. break