15:00 |
O 58.1 |
Two-band superconductivity of lead probed by scanning tunneling spectroscopy — •Michael Ruby, Benjamin W. Heinrich, Jose I. Pascual, and Katharina J. Franke
15:15 |
O 58.2 |
Core-resonant double photoemission studies of S-overlayers — •Gianluca Di Filippo, Frank Oliver Schumann, Mario Italo Trioni, Guido Fratesi, Zheng Wei, Chang-Hui Li, Lucie Behnke, Swapnil Patil, Giovanni Stefani, and Jürgen Kirschner
15:30 |
O 58.3 |
Dynamic screening probed by core-resonant double photoemission from surfaces — •Frank O. Schumann, Zheng Wei, Changhui Li, Lucie Behnke, Gianluca Di Fillippo, Giovanni Stefani, and Jürgen Kirschner
15:45 |
O 58.4 |
Photon-energy dependent double photoemission spectroscopy from transition metal oxides — •Andreas Trützschler, Cheng-Tien Chiang, Michael Huth, Frank O. Schumann, Jürgen Kirschner, and Wolf Widdra
16:00 |
O 58.5 |
Simultaneous ARPES and transport measurements — •Lukasz Plucinski, Ewa Mlynczak, Markus Eschbach, and Claus M. Schneider
16:15 |
O 58.6 |
Anomalous d-like Surface Resonance on Mo(110) Analyzed by Time-of-Flight Momentum Microscopy — •Sergey Chernov, Katerina Medjanik, Christian Tusche, Dmytro Kutnyakhov, Sergej Nepijko, Andreas Oelsner, Jürgen Braun, Jan Minár, Stephan Borek, Hubert Ebert, Hans Joachim Elmers, Jürgen Kirschner, and Gerd Schönhense
16:30 |
O 58.7 |
Electronic band structure of thin Fe films epitaxially grown on Au(001) and MgO(001) — •Ewa Mlynczak, Markus Eschbach, Pika Gospodaric, Vitaliy Feyer, Giovanni Zamborlini, Lukasz Plucinski, and Claus M. Schneider
16:45 |
O 58.8 |
Probing the magnetic properties of Cr atoms adsorbed on copper nitride — •Zsolt Majzik, Roberto Robles, Carmen Rubio-Verdú, Martina Corso, Nicolás Lorente, and Nacho Pascual
17:00 |
O 58.9 |
Fermi surface tomography of the ferromagnetic transition metals Co and Ni by momentum microscopy — •Martin Ellguth, Christian Tusche, Alexander Krasyuk, Vitaliy Feyer, Carsten Wiemann, Claus Michael Schneider, and Jürgen Kirschner
17:15 |
O 58.10 |
Investigation of the surface of binary metallic alloys using PAES, XPS and STM — •Samantha Zimnik, Christian Piochacz, Sebastian Vohburger, and Christoph Hugenschmidt
17:30 |
O 58.11 |
Manipulating STM induced light emission by organic adlayers — •Maren C. Cottin, Ebru Ekici, Rolf Möller, and Christian A. Bobisch
17:45 |
O 58.12 |
Determination of charge neutrality level in TiO2 films from res-PES measurements. — •Chittaranjan Das, Massimo Tallarida, and Dieter Schmeißer