
Berlin 2015 – scientific programme

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SOE: Fachverband Physik sozio-ökonomischer Systeme

SOE 13: Opinion Formation, Segregation, and Language Dynamics

SOE 13.4: Talk

Wednesday, March 18, 2015, 15:45–16:00, MA 001

Zoonivers; Crowd-sourced science — •Taha Yasseri — University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

In this work we will investigate uses of the Zooniverse, by far the most successful citizen science project with nearly 900,000 users contributing to 20+ projects, which have led to more than 60 scientific papers across the sciences and humanities during its 4 year history. However, its community of volunteers, the features and characteristics of their contribution patterns, their motivations and objectives, the ways that they satisfy them through different types of contributions, and many other social aspects of it are still unknown. We study the transactional records of the users' activities in order to create an accurate picture of the community of contributors. By performing numerical analyses on the activity logs we produce a typology of users based on temporal features of their activity. We perform time series analysis to extract the modes of contribution and its dynamic characteristics. This will help us understand the incentives for and participation patterns on the Zooniverse and could help directly design a more efficient contribution platform and enhance engagement on the Zooniverse, as well as in other Citizen Science projects.

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