
Berlin 2015 – scientific programme

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SOE: Fachverband Physik sozio-ökonomischer Systeme

SOE 14: Fluctuating Electricity Supply: Modelling of Generation, Backup and Storage (joint session AKE / DY / SOE)

SOE 14.1: Invited Talk

Wednesday, March 18, 2015, 15:00–15:30, A 151

Fluctuations from photovoltaic and wind power systems — •Detlev Heinemann1, Gerald Lohmann1, Mohammed Reza Rahimi Tabar2, and Mehrnaz Anvari21Universität Oldenburg, Institut für Physik, AG Energiemeteorologie & ForWind — 2Universität Oldenburg, Institut für Physik, AG TWiSt & ForWind

Solar and wind resources vary considerably in time and space, and changes in their magnitude are almost immediately translated into output power variations of wind and solar power plants. Analyzing the stochastic properties of wind and solar resources in different temporal and spatial scales is therefore a necessary step towards a proper representation of these contributions to large scale power systems.

This presentation describes known stochastic properties of wind and solar resources as well as reports on current studies of (i) their conditional probability distribution functions in different time lags and (ii) increment statistics of large-scale wind and solar production.

Conditional distribution functions show severe deviations from Gaussian statistics and possess positive skewness, while the risk of flickering events in both wind and solar generally increases with parameters as wind speed and solar elevation, respectively. Spatial averaging significantly influences this behavior. The comparison of wind and solar power fluctuations is strongly affected by the presence of a deterministic contribution in the solar part. Applying a detrending approach for the solar data results in an significant improvement of the solar increment statistics.

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