Berlin 2015 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
TT 26: Quantum Dynamics, Decoherence and Quantum Information (jointly with DY)
Montag, 16. März 2015, 15:00–18:30, BH-N 334
15:00 |
TT 26.1 |
Cooling a Magnetic Nanoisland by Spin-Polarized Currents — •Peter Nalbach, Jochen Brüggemann, Stephan Weiss, and Michael Thorwart
15:15 |
TT 26.2 |
Dissipative Landau-Zener transitions with longitudinal and transversal noise — •Samaneh Javanbakht, Peter Nalbach, and Michael Thorwart
15:30 |
TT 26.3 |
Landau-Zener transitions in a bosonic bipartite quantum system — •Katharina Kopper, Ralf Blattmann, and Peter Hänggi
15:45 |
TT 26.4 |
Verification for quantum emulation in thermal equilibrium — •Iris Schwenk, Michael Marthaler, and Gerd Schön
16:00 |
TT 26.5 |
Fully pulse-controlled gate operations on qubit chains with always on coupling — Holger Frydrych, •Michael Marthaler, and Gernot Alber
16:15 |
TT 26.6 |
Entanglement content of non-equilibrium steady states — •Zoltán Zimborás and Viktor Eisler
16:30 |
TT 26.7 |
Numerical Complexity in Non-Markovian Quantum Dynamics — •Michael Wiedmann and Jürgen T. Stockburger
16:45 |
15 min. break
17:00 |
TT 26.8 |
Universal short-time response and formation of correlations after quantum quenches — •Klaus Morawetz
17:15 |
TT 26.9 |
Computing the Markovian dynamics of periodically driven systems — •Daniel Pagel, Andreas Alvermann, and Holger Fehske
17:30 |
TT 26.10 |
Non-equilibrium quantum dynamics of Gaussian states in open harmonic chains — •Thomas Motz, Jürgen T. Stockburger, and Joachim Ankerhold
17:45 |
TT 26.11 |
Markovianity and Consistency in closed spin lattices — •Daniel Schmidtke and Jochen Gemmer
18:00 |
TT 26.12 |
Dynamics of the dissipative Dicke Model for a large number of atoms — •Christos Bokas, Björn Kubala, and Joachim Ankerhold
18:15 |
TT 26.13 |
Dynamics of the dissipative Dicke model: superradiance of cold atoms via a superconducting cavity — Sebastian Fuchs, •Björn Kubala, Miles Blencowe, and Joachim Ankerhold