Bochum 2015 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
P 10: Theory and Modelling I
Dienstag, 3. März 2015, 10:30–13:15, HZO 50
10:30 |
P 10.1 |
Theorie und Simulation dichter Plasmen — •Martin French, Andreas Becker und Ronald Redmer
11:00 |
P 10.2 |
The reduction of distant blazars’ inverse Compton cascade emission by plasma instability induced beam plateauing — •Ulf Menzler
11:15 |
P 10.3 |
The marginal instability condition of the aperiodic ordinary mode for counter-stream bi-Maxwellian distribution function — •Sergei Vafin and Reinhard Schlickeiser
11:30 |
P 10.4 |
Plasma Effects on Extragalactic Ultra-high-energy Cosmic Ray Hadron Beams in Cosmic Voids — •Steffen Krakau and Reinhard Schlickeiser
11:45 |
P 10.5 |
Quasilinear theory of spontaneously emitted field fluctuations and the genesis of cosmological magnetic fields — •Ulrich Kolberg and Reinhard Schlickeiser
12:00 |
P 10.6 |
Die Rolle der Elektron-Elektron-Stöße für Transporteigenschaften warmer dichter Materie — •Sebastian Rosmej, Heidi Reinholz und Gerd Röpke
12:15 |
P 10.7 |
Numerical study of impeller-driven turbulence and dynamo action using a penalization method — •Sebastian Kreuzahler, Holger Homann, Yannick Ponty, and Rainer Grauer
12:30 |
P 10.8 |
Rydberg atoms in dense plasma — •Chengliang Lin, Heidi Reinholz, and Gerd Röpke
12:45 |
P 10.9 |
Self-Consistent Three-Dimensional Plasma and Neutral Gas Modeling — •Robert Henrich and Christian Heiliger
13:00 |
P 10.10 |
Ab initio thermodynamic results for the degenerate electron gas at finite temperature — Tim Schoof, Simon Groth, Jan Vorberger, and •Michael Bonitz