16:30 |
P 14.1 |
PIC/MCC simulation of a helium benchmark discharge plasma — •Anbang Sun, Markus M. Becker, Sergey Gorchakov, and Detlef Loffhagen
16:30 |
P 14.2 |
Modellierung von Plasmafilament und Gasfluss in einem RF-Plasmajet — •Florian Sigeneger
16:30 |
P 14.3 |
Efficient Computation of Instantons for Multi-Dimensional Turbulent Flows with Large Scale Forcing — •Stephan Schindel, Rainer Grauer, and Tobias Grafke
16:30 |
P 14.4 |
Self-consistent collisional-radiative model for non-uniform argon plasmas: with or without "escape factor" — •Xi-Ming Zhu, Tsanko Tsankov, Dirk Luggenhölscher, and Uwe Czarnetzki
16:30 |
P 14.5 |
Generalized Analytical Model for the Radio-Frequency Sheath — •Uwe Czarnetzki
16:30 |
P 14.6 |
Global Modeling of DLC-coatings for automotive applications — •Wladislaw Dobrygin, Dirk Bluhm, Stephan Danko, Oliver Schmidt, and Ralf Peter Brinkmann
16:30 |
P 14.7 |
Simulation of Nanocolumn Formation in a Plasma Environment — •Jan Willem Abraham, Thomas Strunskus, Franz Faupel, and Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
P 14.8 |
Cluster Growth Processes in Magnetron Plasmas — •Kenji Fujioka, Sebastian Wolf, and Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
P 14.9 |
Modelling and characterization of a microwave driven low pressure lamp based on indium(I)iodide argon system — •Celal Mohan Ögün, Timo Doll, and Rainer Kling
16:30 |
P 14.10 |
Modellierung von Atmosphärendruck-Plasmaprozessen für die Abscheidung dünner Schichten — •Martina Leins, Sandra Gaiser, Jens Philipp, Claus-Peter Klages, Markus Becker, Rüdiger Foest, Detlef Loffhagen, Gerrit Mäder, Julius Roch, Eckhard Beyer und Thomas Hirth
16:30 |
P 14.11 |
Application of the magnetohydrodynamic energy principle to space and laboratory plasmas. Dimensional analysis of instability occurrence — •Claudia-Veronika Meister and Dieter H.H. Hoffmann
16:30 |
P 14.12 |
Thermal parameters of Super-FRagment Separator target materials — •Claudia-Veronika Meister, Dieter H.H. Hoffmann, and Bowen Jiang
16:30 |
P 14.13 |
The ion potential in warm dense matter: wake effects due to streaming degenerate electrons — Zhandos Moldabekov, •Patrick Ludwig, Michael Bonitz, and Tlekkabul Ramazano
16:30 |
P 14.14 |
Efficient multi-threaded implementation of a semi-Lagrangian relativistic Vlasov-Maxwell code — •Götz Lehmann
16:30 |
P 14.15 |
Kinetische Modellierung und Analyse der planaren Multipol-Resonanz-Sonde — •Michael Friedrichs, Sebastian Wilczek, Efe Kemaneci und Ralf Peter Brinkmann
16:30 |
P 14.16 |
Nonequilibrium Green functions approach to transport properties in strongly coupled finite quantum systems — Niclas Schlünzen, Sebastian Hermanns, and •Michael Bonitz
16:30 |
P 14.17 |
Ion-acoustic Shocks with Reflected Ions — •Tatyana Liseykina, Galina Dudnikova, and Mikhail Malkov