16:30 |
P 16.1 |
Comparison of the inter-ELM pedestal profile recovery in plasmas with different main ion species — •Florian M. Laggner, Gregor Birkenmeier, Mike G. Dunne, Rainer Fischer, Eleonora Viezzer, Matthias Willensdorfer, Elisabeth Wolfrum, Friedrich Aumayr, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 16.2 |
High Speed Gas Valve for Massive Gas Injection in Tokamaks — •Mathias Dibon, Albrecht Herrmann, Klaus Mank, Vitus Mertens, Rudolf Neu, Gabriella Pautasso, and Bernhard Ploeckl
16:30 |
P 16.3 |
Neutral argon measurements in a high-power helicon discharge — •Nils Fahrenkamp, Birger Buttenschön, and Olaf Grulke
16:30 |
P 16.4 |
Experimental study of the radial structure of turbulence with an ultra-fast swept reflectometer in ASDEX Upgrade — •Anna Medvedeva, Christine Bottereau, Frederic Clairet, Garrard D. Conway, Stephane Heureaux, Diego Molina, Ulrich Stroth, and AUG Team
16:30 |
P 16.5 |
Hydrogen Diffusion in Tungsten near Room Temperature — •Stefan Kapser and Armin Manhard
16:30 |
P 16.6 |
Doppler coherence imaging of ion dynamics in the plasma experiment VINETA — •Dorothea Gradic, Oliver Ford, and Robert Wolf
16:30 |
P 16.7 |
EMC3-Eirene simulations of gas puff effects on edge density and ICRF coupling in ASDEX Upgrade — •Wei Zhang, David Coster, Jean-Marie Noterdaeme, Tilmann Lunt, Volodymyr Bobkov, Yuehe Feng, and ASDEX Upgrade team
16:30 |
P 16.8 |
Vlasov-hybrid simulations of firehose-unstable plasmas — •Patrick Astfalk, Frank Jenko, Tobias Görler, and Francesco Califano
16:30 |
P 16.9 |
Poloidal asymmetries of the heavy ions in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak — Tomáš Odstrčil, Thomas Pütterich, Didier Mazon, Clemente Angioni, Roberto Bilato, Anja Gude, Didier Vezinet, and •ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 16.10 |
Change of the SOL power width with the toroidal B-field direction in ASDEX Upgrade — •Michael Faitsch, Thomas Eich, Bernhard Sieglin, Hong-Juan Sun, Albrecht Herrmann, and The Asdex Upgrade team
16:30 |
P 16.11 |
Measurements and Modelling of Hydrogen Dynamics in Tungsten — •Johannes Bauer, Thomas Schwarz-Selinger, Klaus Schmid, Udo von Toussaint, and Wolfgang Jacob
16:30 |
P 16.12 |
A new thermal He-beam diagnostic for electron density and temperature measurements in the scrape-off layer of ASDEX Upgrade — •Michael Griener, Elisabeth Wolfrum, Thomas Eich, Albrecht Herrmann, Volker Rohde, Oliver Schmitz, Ulrich Stroth, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 16.13 |
Stromtrieb durch Neutralteilchen-Injektion an ASDEX Upgrade — •David Rittich, Ursel Fantz, Christian Hopf, Benedikt Geiger, Francois Ryter und das ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 16.14 |
Non-linear simulations of ELMs in ASDEX Upgrade including diamagnetic drift effects — •Alexander Lessig, Matthias Hoelzl, Isabel Krebs, Emmanuel Franck, Sibylle Guenter, Francois Orain, Jorge Morales, Marina Becoulet, and Guido Huysmans
16:30 |
P 16.15 |
Indirect measurement of the poloidal velocity using charge exchange recombination spectroscopy — •Alexander Lebschy, Benedikt Geiger, Rachael McDermott, Marco Cavedon, Mike G. Dunne, Rainer Fischer, Eleonora Viezzer, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 16.16 |
Study of Turbulence Structures using Poloidal Correlation Reflectometry at AUG — •Dmitrii Prisiazhniuk, Andreas Krämer-Flecken, Garrard Conway, Ulrich Stroth, and The ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 16.17 |
Computational Grids Adapted to the Background Distribution Function for Eulerian Gyrokinetic Simulations — Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Tobias Görler, •Denis Jarema, Frank Jenko, Tobias Neckel, and Daniel Told
16:30 |
P 16.18 |
Application of Radial Correlation Doppler Reflectometry on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak — •J.R. Pinzón, T. Happel, P. Hennequin, U. Stroth, and The ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 16.19 |
Optimization of Caesium Dynamics in Large and Powerful RF Sources for Negative Hydrogen Ions — •Alessandro Mimo, Christian Wimmer, Dirk Wünderlich, and Ursel Fantz
16:30 |
P 16.20 |
Investigation of momentum loss mechanisms in the divertor region of ASDEX Upgrade with EMC3-Eirene — •Dominik Brida, Tilmann Lunt, Marco Wischmeier, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
16:30 |
P 16.21 |
Experimental investigation of specific heat in finite 3D Yukawa-balls — •Matthias Mulsow, André Schella, and André Melzer