
Bochum 2015 – scientific programme

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P: Fachverband Plasmaphysik

P 27: Diagnostics II

P 27.8: Talk

Thursday, March 5, 2015, 16:00–16:15, HZO 30

Experimental Plasma Diagnostics at JLU Giessen — •Slobodan Mitic and Julian Kaupe — I. Physikalisches Institut, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Germany

Experimental Plasma Diagnostics at JL University in Giessen is new research group focusing on development and integration of different plasma diagnostic techniques into the existing research activities. For this purpose different diagnostics approaches are being developed targeting low temperature plasmas, complex plasmas, ion thrusters plasmas and ion beams, processing plasmas, atmospheric plasmas

Depending on the targeted plasma species and plasma conditions different optical and electrical measurements and models are used. Models for optical emission diagnostics are developed for group of monoatomic and molecular gasses. This models were used for monitoring the plasma in complex plasma experiments and during nanowire growth.

Laser induced fluorescence and laser absorption techniques are used for spatial and time resolved monitoring of xenon plasmas under different experimental conditions (LTP, complex plasma, thrusters).

Electrical diagnostics was used for diagnostics of plasma densities and temperatures. Langmuir probes and retarding field analyzer were used for monitoring electron and ion energies and densities in LTP and processing plasmas.

Along this activities Experimental Plasma Diagnostic group is also active in development and diagnostics of plasma sources for atmospheric plasma material processing and medical applications.

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