A 20: Interaction with strong or short laser pulses II
Mittwoch, 25. März 2015, 11:00–13:00, C/HSW
11:00 |
A 20.1 |
Strong-field ionization of molecules in circularly polarized fields — Ingo Petersen, Jost Henkel, and •Manfred Lein
11:30 |
A 20.2 |
Wavelength and intensity dependent fragmentation of H2+ in the mid-infrared — •Wustelt P., Möller M., Rathje T., Sayler A.M., and Paulus G.G.
11:45 |
A 20.3 |
Differential spectra for dissociative ionization of H2+ — •Volker Mosert and Dieter Bauer
12:00 |
A 20.4 |
Quantum Optimal Control of Photoelectron Spectra. — Esteban Goetz, Antonia Karamatskou, Robin Santra, and •Christiane Koch
12:15 |
A 20.5 |
Electron-correlation effects in laser-intensity dependent ionization processes observed by transient-absorption spectroscopy of helium atoms — •Andreas Kaldun, Veit Stooss, Christian Ott, Alexander Blättermann, Thomas Ding, Andreas Fischer, and Thomas Pfeifer
12:30 |
A 20.6 |
In situ characterization of few-cycle laser pulses in transient absorption spectroscopy — •Alexander Blättermann, Chrsitian Ott, Andreas Kaldun, Thomas Ding, Martin Laux, Veit Stooß, Marc Rebholz, Maximilian Hartmann, and Thomas Pfeifer
12:45 |
A 20.7 |
Description of the hydrogen molecular ion with time-dependent renormalized-natural-orbital theory — •Adrian Hanusch, Julius Rapp, Martins Brics, and Dieter Bauer