A 21: Ultra-cold plasmas and Rydberg systems II (with Q)
Mittwoch, 25. März 2015, 11:00–12:45, C/kHS
11:00 |
A 21.1 |
Bistability in a dissipative Rydberg lattice model — •Dominik Linzner, Michael Höning, and Michael Fleischhauer
11:15 |
A 21.2 |
Imaging of Microwave Fields with sub-100 µm Resolution in Vapor Cells — •Andrew Horsley, Guan-Xiang Du, and Philipp Treutlein
11:30 |
A 21.3 |
Rydberg atoms in hollow-core photonic crystal fibres — •Georg Epple, Christian Veit, Kathrin Kleinbach, Tijmen Euser, Tilman Pfau, Philip Russell, and Robert Löw
11:45 |
A 21.4 |
Effects of anisotropic dipole-dipole interactions on 3D flexible Rydberg aggegrates. — •Karsten Leonhardt, Sebastian Wüster, and Jan Michael Rost
12:00 |
A 21.5 |
Probing mechanical oscillators with excited atoms — •Adrián Sanz Mora, Alexander Eisfeld, Sebastian Wüster, and Jan-Michael Rost
12:15 |
A 21.6 |
Modelling spin systems using arrays of single Rydberg atoms — •Henning Labuhn, Sylvain Ravets, Daniel Barredo, Thierry Lahaye, and Antoine Browaeys
12:30 |
A 21.7 |
Photonic phase gates in multi-level Rydberg EIT media — •Callum Murray and Thomas Pohl