A 22: Ultra-cold atoms, ions and BEC III (with Q)
Mittwoch, 25. März 2015, 11:00–13:00, M/HS1
11:00 |
A 22.1 |
Space charge dynamics and diffraction with ultracold electron and ion bunches — •Robert Scholten, Dene Murphy, Rory Speirs, Dan Thompson, Joshua Torrance, Richard Taylor, Andrew McCulloch, and Ben Sparkes
11:15 |
A 22.2 |
Single particle dynamics in ultracold environments — •Paula Ostmann and Walter Strunz
11:30 |
A 22.3 |
Beyond Mean-Field Dynamics of Ultracold Bosonic Atoms in Lattices — •Axel U.J. Lode and Christoph Bruder
11:45 |
A 22.4 |
Optical trapping of Barium ions for ion-atom collision experiments — •Julian Schmidt, Alexander Lambrecht, Georg Hoppe, Leon Karpa, and Tobias Schaetz
12:00 |
A 22.5 |
Expansion of ultracold bosons in anisotropic two-dimensional optical lattices — •Konstantin Krutitsky, Friedemann Queisser, Patrick Navez, and Ralf Schützhold
12:15 |
A 22.6 |
Fast Dynamics of a Fermi Impurity — Marko Cetina, •Michael Jag, Rianne Lous, Rudolf Grimm, Rasmus Sørensen, and Georg Bruun
12:30 |
A 22.7 |
Reactive collisions of Ba+ and Rb — •Joschka Wolf, Artjom Krükow, Amir Mohammadi, Amir Mahdian, and Johannes Hecker Denschlag
12:45 |
A 22.8 |
Raman sideband cooling of quantum degenerate Li-6 — •Martin Boll, Timon Hilker, Katharina Kleinlein, Ahmed Omran, Guillaume Salomon, Immanuel Bloch, and Christian Gross