A 24: Attosecond physics
Mittwoch, 25. März 2015, 14:30–16:30, C/kHS
14:30 |
A 24.1 |
Phase space approach to propagating a quantum wavepacket — •Norio Takemoto, Asaf Shimshovitz, and David J. Tannor
14:45 |
A 24.2 |
Ultrafast Charge Redistribution in Small Halogenated Hydrocarbon Molecules — •Maximilian Hollstein and Daniela Pfannkuche
15:00 |
A 24.3 |
Sub-cycle resolved probe retardation in strong-field pumped dielectrics — •Adrian N Pfeiffer
15:15 |
A 24.4 |
Signatures of nonadiabatic, relativistic effects and tunneling time delay in the photoelectron momentum distributionof tunnel-ionization — •Enderalp Yakaboylu, Michael Klaiber, Karen Z. Hatsagortsyan, and Christoph H. Keitel
15:30 |
A 24.5 |
Time Delays in Two-Photon Ionization — Jing Su, •Hongcheng Ni, Agnieszka Jaron-Becker, and Andreas Becker
15:45 |
A 24.6 |
Scaling attosecond sources in two complementary directions — •Christoph M. Heyl, Piotr Rudawski, Per Johnsson, Linnea Rading, Bastian Manschwetus, Anne Hardt, Chen Guo, Johan Mauritsson, Cord L. Arnold, and Anne L’Huillier
16:00 |
A 24.7 |
Carrier-envelope phase dependencies in photoelectron spectra of a metal nanotip and a noble gas in focused few-cycle laser pulses — •Dominik Hoff, Michael Krüger, Georg Wachter, Lothar Maisenbacher, Michael Förster, Sebastian Thomas, Joachim Burgdörfer, A. Max Sayler, Gerhard G. Paulus, and Peter Hommelhoff
16:15 |
A 24.8 |
Electronic pertubation during high-order harmonic generation from water droplets — •Heiko G. Kurz, Martin Kretschmar, Tamas Nagy, Detlev Ristau, Manfred Lein, Uwe Morgner, and Milutin Kovacev