14:30 |
A 25.1 |
Vibrational Spectroscopy of Cluster Complexes with Free Electron Lasers: Surface Science en Miniature — •André Fielicke
15:00 |
A 25.2 |
Vibrational spectra and structures of C, B, and N-doped silicon clusters — •Nguyen Xuan Truong, Bertram Jaeger, Philip Jäger, Marco Savoca, Andre Fielicke, and Otto Dopfer
15:15 |
A 25.3 |
(N)IR spectroscopy on two- and three-centered isolated cationic cobalt-, nickel- and cobalt/nickel - ethanol clusters — •Markus Becherer, Daniel Bellaire, Wei Jin, Georgios Lefkidis, Wolfgang Hübner, and Markus Gerhards
15:30 |
A 25.4 |
First experiments with cooled clusters at the Cryogenic Trap for Fast ion beams — •Christian Meyer, Klaus Blaum, Christian Breitenfeld, Sebastian George, Juergen Goeck, Jonas Karthein, Thomas Kolling, Jennifer Mohrbach, Gereon Niedner-Schatteburg, Lutz Schweikhard, and Andreas Wolf
15:45 |
A 25.5 |
Optical spectra and structures of C, N, and O-doped silicon clusters — •Bertram K.A. Jaeger, Janina Lebendig, Nguyen X. Truong, Andre Fielicke, and Otto Dopfer
16:00 |
A 25.6 |
Angular distribution of electron and photon emission from isolated SiO2 nanopartices excited by femtosecond laser pulses — •Egill Antonsson, Ina Halfpap, Christopher Raschpichler, Valerie Mondes, Jürgen Plenge, Burkhard Langer, and Eckart Rühl
16:15 |
A 25.7 |
Vibrationally resolved UV fluorescence of diamondoids — •Torbjörn Rander, Robert Richter, Tobias Zimmermann, Andre Knecht, Andrea Merli, Christoph Heidrich, Ramon Rahner, Thomas Möller, Merle I. S. Röhr, Jens Petersen, Roland Mitric, Jeremy E. Dahl, and Robert M. K. Carlson