A 29: Interaction with VUV and X-ray light I
Thursday, March 26, 2015, 11:00–13:15, C/HSW
11:00 |
A 29.1 |
Invited Talk:
Electronic structure in high-intensity x-ray fields — •Robin Santra
11:30 |
A 29.2 |
Theoretical characterization of the collective resonance states underlying the xenon giant dipole resonance — •Yi-Jen Chen, Stefan Pabst, and Robin Santra
11:45 |
A 29.3 |
Theoretical calculation of above-threshold ionization of xenon involving the giant dipole resonance — •Antonia Karamatskou, Robin Santra, Tommaso Mazza, and Michael Meyer
12:00 |
A 29.4 |
Time-resolved relaxation dynamics in resonantly excited He nanodroplets — •Aaron LaForge, Alessandra Ciavardini, Mike Ziemkiewicz, Yevheniy Ovcharenko, Oksana Plekan, Paola Finetti, Robert Richter, Kevin Prince, Paolo Piseri, Michele Di Friaia, Arik Mika, Marcel Drabbels, Carlo Callegari, Thomas Moeller, Frank Stienkemeier, Patrick O'Keeffe, and Marcel Mudrich
12:15 |
A 29.5 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
12:30 |
A 29.6 |
Testing calculated potential energy curves of molecular oxygen by measuring vibrational wave-packets with an XUV–IR experiment — •Philipp Cörlin, Andreas Fischer, Michael Schönwald, Tomoya Mizuno, Thomas Pfeifer, and Robert Moshammer
12:45 |
A 29.7 |
Single-shot autocorrelation in the vacuum ultraviolet spectral range — •Dimitrios Rompotis, Thomas Gebert, Marek Wieland, Theophilos Maltezopoulos, and Markus Drescher
13:00 |
A 29.8 |
Time-Dependent Multiphoton Ionization of Xenon in the Soft-X-Ray Regime — Nils Gerken, Stephan Klumpp, Andrey Sorokin, Kai Tiedtke, •Mathias Richter, Vera Bürk, Karolin Mertens, Pavle Juranić, and Michael Martins