HK 21: Instrumentation 7
Tuesday, March 24, 2015, 14:30–16:30, M/HS1
14:30 |
HK 21.1 |
Group Report:
Der PANDA-Luminositätsdetektor — •Christof Motzko, Miriam Fritsch, Florian Feldbauer, Prometeusz Jasinski, Anastasia Karavdina, Roman Klasen, Heinrich Leithoff, Stephan Maldaner, Mathias Michel, Stefan Pflüger und Tobias Weber für die PANDA Kollaboration
15:00 |
HK 21.2 |
Quality Assurance of double-sided silicon microstrip sensors for the Silicon Tracking System in the CBM experiment at FAIR — •Pavel Larionov for the CBM collaboration
15:15 |
HK 21.3 |
Characterization of silicon micro-strip sensors with a pulsed infra-red laser system for the CBM experiment at FAIR — •Pradeep Ghosh and Jürgen Eschke for the CBM collaboration
15:30 |
HK 21.4 |
Radiation hardness of CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors manufactured in a 0.18 µ m CMOS process* — •Benjamin Linnik for the CBM-MVD collaboration
15:45 |
HK 21.5 |
Next generation digitizer for CMOS MAPS — •Philipp Sitzmann für die CBM-MVD Kollaboration
16:00 |
HK 21.6 |
Mosaic diamond based detector for MIPs detection, T0 determination and triggering in HADES. — Jerzy Pietraszko and •Wolfgang Koenig for the HADES collaboration
16:15 |
HK 21.7 |
A tracking system for a secondary pion beam at the HADES spectrometer — •Joana Wirth, Laura Fabbietti, Rafal Lalik, and Ludwig Maier for the HADES collaboration