HK 3: Instrumentation 2
Monday, March 23, 2015, 14:30–16:30, M/HS2
14:30 |
HK 3.1 |
Group Report:
The ALICE TPC, a high resolution device for ultra-high particle multiplicities - past, present and future — •Marian Ivanov for the ALICE collaboration
15:00 |
HK 3.2 |
Online Calibration of the ALICE-TPC in LHC-Run 2 — •Ivan Vorobyev for the ALICE collaboration
15:15 |
HK 3.3 |
Backtracking algorithm for dilepton reconstruction with HADES — •Patrick Sellheim for the HADES collaboration
15:30 |
HK 3.4 |
Online 4-Dimensional Event Reconstruction in the CBM Experiment — •Valentina Akishina and Ivan Kisel for the CBM collaboration
15:45 |
HK 3.5 |
Luminositätsbestimmung mit dem PANDA Luminositätsdetektor — •Stefan Pflüger, Florian Feldbauer, Miriam Fritsch, Prometeusz Jasinski, Anastasia Karavdina, Roman Klasen, Heinrich Leithoff, Stephan Maldaner, Mathias Michel, Christof Motzko und Tobias Weber
16:00 |
HK 3.6 |
Survey und Alignment am PANDA-Luminositätsdetektor — •Roman Klasen, Florian Feldbauer, Miriam Fritsch, Prometeusz Jasinski, Anastasia Karavdina, Heinrich Leithoff, Stephan Maldaner, Mathias Michel, Christof Motzko, Stefan Pflüger und Tobias Weber für die PANDA Kollaboration
16:15 |
HK 3.7 |
Commissioning of the KOALA Experiment by Proton Beam at COSY — •Qiang Hu, Huagen Xu, and James Ritman