Q 12: Quantum Gases: Bosons II
Montag, 23. März 2015, 14:30–16:30, P/H2
14:30 |
Q 12.1 |
Dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in a one-dimensional correlated disorder potential — •Juan Pablo Ramírez Valdes, Andreas Buchleitner, and Thomas Wellens
14:45 |
Q 12.2 |
Growing bosonic Laughlin states in a lattice — Fabian Grusdt, •Fabian Letscher, Mohammad Hafezi, and Michael Fleischhauer
15:00 |
Q 12.3 |
Twisted superfluidity in optical lattices — •Ole Jürgensen, Klaus Sengstock, and Dirk-Sören Lühmann
15:15 |
Q 12.4 |
Bose-Hubbard ladder subject to effective magnetic field: geometry and dynamics — •Wladimir Tschischik, Roderich Moessner, and Masud Haque
15:30 |
Q 12.5 |
Faraday Waves in Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates — Dušan Vudragović and •Antun Balaž
15:45 |
Q 12.6 |
Ground states for the Bose-Hubbard model with flat bands — •Petra Pudleiner and Andreas Mielke
16:00 |
Q 12.7 |
Realistic matter-wave interferometry with non-unitary operators — •Luis Fernando Barragán-Gil and Reinhold Walser
16:15 |
Q 12.8 |
Bose Polaron in a Harmonic Trap — •Artem Volosniev, Hans-Werner Hammer, and Nikolaj Zinner