17:00 |
Q 15.1 |
From short-time diffusive to long-time ballistic dynamics: the unusual center-of-mass motion of quantum bright solitons — •Christoph Weiss, Simon Gardiner, and Heinz-Peter Breuer
17:00 |
Q 15.2 |
Matter-wave scattering from interacting ultracold bosons in optical lattices — Klaus Mayer, •Alberto Rodriguez, and Andreas Buchleitner
17:00 |
Q 15.3 |
Bose-Einstein condensation of 87Rb in the F=2, mF=2 state in a hybrid trap — •Adonis Flores, Hari Prasad Mishra, Wim Vassen, and Steven Knoop
17:00 |
Q 15.4 |
Decoherence of squeezed spatial superposition states of a BEC — •Björn Schrinski, Stefan Nimmrichter, and Klaus Hornberger
17:00 |
Q 15.5 |
Ground State of Bose-Fermi Mixtures within Mean Field Approximation — •Christian Ufrecht, Albert Roura, Wolfgang P. Schleich, and the QUANTUS Team
17:00 |
Q 15.6 |
Expansion dynamics of dual-species Bose-Einstein condensates computed with co-moving grids — •Matthias Meister, Albert Roura, Wolfgang P. Schleich, and the QUANTUS Team
17:00 |
Q 15.7 |
Collision studies in ultracold calcium atoms — •Hannes Winter, Purbasha Halder, and Andreas Hemmerich
17:00 |
Q 15.8 |
Coherent Matter Wave Dynamics of BECs for Atom Interferometry and ATOMTRONICS Quantum Devices — •Felix Schmaltz, Johannes Küber, Dominik Lohrey, and Gerhard Birkl
17:00 |
Q 15.9 |
Bose-Einstein condensate in contact with an environment — •Alexander Schäbe and Corinna Kollath
17:00 |
Q 15.10 |
Correlated Quantum Dynamics of a Single Atom Collisionally Coupled to an Ultracold Finite Bosonic Ensemble — Sven Krönke, •Johannes Knörzer, and Peter Schmelcher
17:00 |
Q 15.11 |
Optimization of an Ultracold Quantum Gas Experiment by Artificial Evolution — •Tobias Lausch, Michael Bauer, Farina Kindermann, Daniel Mayer, Felix Schmidt, and Artur Widera
17:00 |
Q 15.12 |
Universal self-similar dynamics of relativistic and non-relativistic field theories near non-thermal fixed points — •Asier Piñeiro Orioli, Kirill Boguslavski, and Jürgen Berges
17:00 |
Q 15.13 |
Stabilization and site-resolved imaging of a few-fermion system — •Vincent M. Klinkhamer, Justin F. Niedermeyer, Andrea Bergschneider, Simon Murmann, Gerhard Zürn, and Selim Jochim
17:00 |
Q 15.14 |
Study of Phase Correlations in Trapped 2D Interacting Quantum Gas — •Dhruv Kedar, Luca Bayha, Puneet Murthy, Mathias Neidig, Martin Ries, Andre Wenz, Gerhard Zürn, and Selim Jochim
17:00 |
Q 15.15 |
Exploring few-fermion systems in single- and multi-well potentials — •Andrea Bergschneider, Simon Murmann, Vincent M. Klinkhamer, Gerhard Zürn, and Selim Jochim
17:00 |
Q 15.16 |
Towards strongly interacting ultracold dimers in an optical two–dimensional square lattice — •Luca Bayha, Dhruv Kedar, Puneet Murthy, Mathias Neidig, Martin Ries, Andre Wenz, Gerhard Zürn, and Selim Jochim
17:00 |
Q 15.17 |
Time-dependant isospin correlations in two-partite hexagonal optical lattices — •Holger Niehus, Eva-Maria Richter, Marta Prada, and Daniela Pfannkuche
17:00 |
Q 15.18 |
Towards multi-body entanglement in optical lattices — Hanning Dai, •Bing Yang, Xiaofan Xu, Andreas Reingruber, Qi Shen, Zhensheng Yuan, and Jianwei Pan
17:00 |
Q 15.19 |
Quantum Simulation of Lattice Gauge Theories Out of Equilibrium — •Valentin Kasper, Florian Hebenstreit, Markus Oberthaler, and Jürgen Berges
17:00 |
Q 15.20 |
Quench dynamics of ultracold fermions in hexagonal lattices — •Nick Fläschner, Dominik Vogel, Matthias Tarnowski, Benno Rem, Christof Weitenberg, and Klaus Sengstock
17:00 |
Q 15.21 |
Exploring anti-ferromagnetic correlations of ultracold fermions in varying optical lattice geometries — •Gregor Jotzu, Daniel Greif, Michael Messer, Frederik Görg, Rémi Desbuquois, and Tilman Esslinger
17:00 |
Q 15.22 |
Realizing spin-dependent lattices for ultracold atoms with magnetic gradient modulation — •Frederik Görg, Gregor Jotzu, Michael Messer, Rémi Desbuquois, Daniel Greif, and Tilman Esslinger
17:00 |
Q 15.23 |
Investigating a strongly correlated quantum gas with competing short-range and cavity-mediated long-range interactions — •Lorenz Hruby, Renate Landig, Nishant Dogra, Rafael Mottl, Tobias Donner, and Tilman Esslinger
17:00 |
Q 15.24 |
Theoretical study of the Bose-Hubbard model in the presence of cavity-mediated long-range interactions — •Nishant Dogra, Ferdinand Brennecke, Rafael Mottl, Lorenz Hruby, Renate Landig, Sebastian Huber, Tobias Donner, and Tilman Esslinger
17:00 |
Q 15.25 |
A novel experiment for coupling a Bose-Einstein condensate with two crossed cavity modes — •Philip Zupancic, Julian Leonard, Andrea Morales, Tilman Esslinger, and Tobias Donner
17:00 |
Q 15.26 |
Experimental and theoretical study of the topological Haldane model — •Michael Messer, Gregor Jotzu, Rémi Desbuquois, Martin Lebrat, Thomas Uehlinger, Frederik Görg, Daniel Greif, and Tilman Esslinger
17:00 |
Q 15.27 |
An experiment for long-range interacting fermionic gases in reduced dimensions — •Stephan Helmrich, Alda Arias, Nils Pehoviak, Christoph Schweiger, and Shannon Whitlock
17:00 |
Q 15.28 |
Real-Space Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of the SU(4)-symmetric fermionic Hubbard model and its extensions. Magnetic orderings and Hund’s coupling. — •Agnieszka Cichy, Andrii Sotnikov, and Walter Hofstetter
17:00 |
Q 15.29 |
Detection of topological order in interacting many-body systems using mobile impurities — •Fabian Grusdt, Norman Yao, Dmitry Abanin, and Eugene Demler
17:00 |
Q 15.30 |
Steady State Currents in the Driven Dissipative Bose-Hubbard Model — •Thomas Mertz, Ivana Vasic, Daniel Cocks, and Walter Hofstetter
17:00 |
Q 15.31 |
Superfluid Phases in the Presence of Artificial Gauge Fields — •Rajbir Nirwan, Ivana Vasic, Alex Petrescu, Karyn Le Hur, and Walter Hofstetter
17:00 |
Q 15.32 |
Direct observation of chiral order in double layer superfluid — •Arne Ewerbeck, Carl Hippler, Thorge Kock, Robert Büchner, Raphael Eichberger, Matthias Ölschläger, Wen-Min Huang, Ludwig Mathey und Andreas Hemmerich
17:00 |
Q 15.33 |
Quasi-Condensation and Superfluidity in a Ring Trap — Hansjörg Polster and •Carsten Henkel
17:00 |
Q 15.34 |
Failure of extended mean-field theories in one-dimensional Bose gases — Tim Sauer and •Carsten Henkel
17:00 |
Q 15.35 |
Quench-condensation of one-dimensional Bose gases — •Sebastian Erne, Thomas Gasenzer, and Jörg Schmiedmayer
17:00 |
Q 15.36 |
Universal dynamics and non-thermal fixed points in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates — •Anselm Klenner, Markus Karl, and Thomas Gasenzer
17:00 |
Q 15.37 |
Dynamical universal properties of one-dimensional split condensates — •Sebastian Erne, Valentin Kasper, Jürgen Berges, Thomas Gasenzer, and Jörg Schmiedmayer
17:00 |
Q 15.38 |
Nonthermal fixed points and superfluid turbulence in 2D ultracold Bose gases — •Fabian Brock, Simon Sailer, Markus Karls, and Thomas Gasenzer
17:00 |
Q 15.39 |
Towards a degenerate quasi 2D gas of fermions near the BEC-BCS crossover — •Thomas Paintner, Daniel Hoffmann, Stefan Häusler, Wladimir Schoch, Wolfgang Limmer, Benjamin Deissler, and Johannes Hecker-Denschlag
17:00 |
Q 15.40 |
Time-of-Flight Expansion for Trapped Dipolar Fermi Gases: From Collisionless to Hydrodynamic Regime — •Vladimir Veljić, Antun Balaž, and Axel Pelster
17:00 |
Q 15.41 |
Bogoliubov Theory of Dipolar Bose Gas in Weak Random Potential — •Mahmoud Ghabour and Axel Pelster
17:00 |
Q 15.42 |
Analytical and Numerical Study of Bose-Einstein Condensate with Localized Impurity — •Javed Akram and Axel Pelster
17:00 |
Q 15.43 |
One-Dimensional Model for Bose-Einstein Condensate in Gravito-Optical Surface Trap — •Javed Akram, Benjamin Girodias, and Axel Pelster
17:00 |
Q 15.44 |
Anyons in 1D optical lattices by time periodic forcing — •Christoph Sträter, Shashi Srivastava, Marco Roncaglia, Axel Pelster, and André Eckardt
17:00 |
Q 15.45 |
Stationary and Transient Properties of Photon Condensates — •Milan Radonjić, Antun Balaž, Wassilij Kopylov, Tobias Brandes, and Axel Pelster
17:00 |
Q 15.46 |
Towards the Realization of a Vacuum-Ultraviolet Photon Bose-Einstein Condensate — •Christian Wahl, Gunar Wallstabe, Stavros Christopoulos, Jan Klaers, and Martin Weitz
17:00 |
Q 15.47 |
Measuring the Chern number of Hofstadter bands with ultracold bosonic atoms — •Christian Schweizer, Monika Aidelsburger, Michael Lohse, Marcos Atala, Julio Barreiro, Sylvain Nascimbène, Nigel Cooper, Immanuel Bloch, and Nathan Goldman
17:00 |
Q 15.48 |
Towards many body physics with ultracold atoms in optical microtrap arrays — •Martin Sturm, Malte Schlosser, Gerhard Birkl, and Reinhold Walser
17:00 |
Q 15.49 |
Integration of photonic structures and thermal atomic vapors — •Ralf Ritter, Nico Gruhler, Wolfram Pernice, Tilman Pfau, and Robert Löw
17:00 |
Q 15.50 |
Cold Atom Based Magnetic Microscopy — •Timothy James, Amruta Gadge, Jorge Ferras, Jessica Maclean, Christopher Mellor, Francesco Intravaia, Mark Fromhold, Christian Koller, Fedja Orucevic, and Peter Kruger
17:00 |
Q 15.51 |
Integrated atom traps for quantum sensor applications — •Jorge Ferreras, Thomas Barrett, Anton Piccardo-Selg, Jessica Maclean, Christopher Mellor, Thomas Fernholz, Fedja Orucevic, and Peter Kruger
17:00 |
Q 15.52 |
Aspects of Analogue Gravity with Bose-Einstein Condensates — •Andreas Finke, Silke Weinfurtner, and Peter Kruger
17:00 |
Q 15.53 |
Non-equilibrium mass transport in bosonic quantum systems — •Christian Baals, Bodhaditya Santra, Ralf Labouvie, Simon Heun, and Herwig Ott
17:00 |
Q 15.54 |
Local study of quantum transport close to and far away from equilibrium — •Jae-Yoon Choi, Sebastian Hild, Takeshi Fukuhara, Peter Schauß, Johannes Zeiher, Immanuel Bloch, and Christian Groß
17:00 |
Q 15.55 |
Many-Body Localization in Quasi-Random and Superlattice Geometries — •Henrik Lüschen, Michael Schreiber, Pranjal Bordia, Sean Hodgman, Immanuel Bloch, and Ulrich Schneider
17:00 |
Q 15.56 |
A state dependent lattice for many body physics with ytterbium — •Luis Riegger, Christian Hofrichter, Moritz Höfer, Francesco Scazza, Diogo Rio Fernandes, Immanuel Bloch, and Simon Fölling
17:00 |
Q 15.57 |
Probing Bloch band geometry and topology with ultracold atoms — •Martin Reitter, Lucia Duca, Tracy Li, Sebastian Scherg, Immanuel Bloch, Monika Schleier-Smith, and Ulrich Schneider
17:00 |
Q 15.58 |
Optical bloch band spectroscopy of the 1S0 - 3P0 transition of laser cooled magnesium atoms — •Klaus Zipfel, André Kulosa, Steffen Rühmann, Dominika Fim, Nandan Jha, Steffen Sauer, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Ernst Rasel
17:00 |
Q 15.59 |
Dual Species matter-wave Interferometry — •Hendrik Heine, Henning Albers, Jonas Hartwig, Dipankar Nath, Logan Richardson, Dennis Schlippert, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Ernst M. Rasel
17:00 |
Q 15.60 |
Matter wave interferometry in space — •Maike Diana Lachmann, Stephan Tobias Seidel, Dennis Becker, Jung-Bin Wang, Thijs Wendrich, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Ernst Maria Rasel for the QUANTUS collaboration
17:00 |
Q 15.61 |
Very Long Baseline Atom Interferometry for High-Accuracy Gravimetry and Tests of Fundamental Physics — •Étienne Wodey, Christian Meiners, Jonas Hartwig, Dennis Schlippert, Christian Schubert, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Ernst M. Rasel
17:00 |
Q 15.62 |
Lamb-Dicke spectroscopy of the 1S0 → 3P0 clock transition in bosonic magnesium — •Nandan Jha, André Kulosa, Steffen Rühmann, Dominika Fim, Klaus Zipfel, Steffen Sauer, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Ernst Rasel
17:00 |
Q 15.63 |
Progress Report Towards an Al+ Quantum Logic Optical Clock — •Stephan Hannig, Nils Scharnhorst, Jannes B. Wübbena, Kornelius Jakobsen, Ian D. Leroux, and Piet O. Schmidt
17:00 |
Q 15.64 |
Progress Report of an ultra-stable cavity for an Al+ optical clock — Sana Amairi Pyka, •Kornelius Jakobsen, Nils Scharnhorst, Stephan Hannig, Ian D. Leroux, and Piet O. Schmidt
17:00 |
Q 15.65 |
Towards a cryo-lattice clock at PTB — •Ali Al-Masoudi, Sören Dörscher, Stephan Falke, Sebastian Häfner, Stefan Vogt, Uwe Sterr, and Christian Lisdat
17:00 |
Q 15.66 |
Spectroscopy of the clock transition in 171Yb in a transportable setup — •Gregor Mura, Tobias Franzen, Axel Görlitz, Heiko Luckmann, Alexander Nevsky, Ingo Ernsting, and Stephan Schiller
17:00 |
Q 15.67 |
A closed-cycle cryostat setup for next-generation optical resonators with ultra-high frequency stability — •Christian Marciniak, Moritz Nagel, Klaus Döringshoff, Sylvia Schikora, Evgeny V. Kovalchuk, and Achim Peters
17:00 |
Q 15.68 |
Ein optischer Resonator im Fallturmbetrieb — •Andreas Resch, Sven Herrmann und Claus Lämmerzahl
17:00 |
Q 15.69 |
Long-term stable optical resonator for future space missions — •Alexander Milke, Norman Gürlebeck, Josep Sanjuán, Martin Gohlke, Thilo Schuldt, and Claus Braxmaier
17:00 |
Q 15.70 |
High-precision Mid-IR wavelength meters — •Milán János Negyedi, Florian Karlewski, Thomas Fischer, and József Fortágh
17:00 |
Q 15.71 |
Length Sensing and Control of Einstein Telescope-Low Frequency — •Vaishali Adya and Sean Leavey
17:00 |
Q 15.72 |
Kontrolle von Antimaterieionen zur Bestimmung der Wirkung der Gravitation auf Antimaterie — •Sebastian Wolf, Merle Braun und Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
17:00 |
Q 15.73 |
Laser Frequency Stabilisation for the AEI 10 m Prototype Interferometer — •Manuela Hanke
17:00 |
Q 15.74 |
The AEI 10m-Prototype Suspension Platform Interferometer — •Sina Köhlenbeck for the AEI 10m-Prototype Team
17:00 |
Q 15.75 |
The AEI-SAS: Seismic isolation for the 10 m Prototype Interferometer — •Gerald Bergmann and the AEI 10m Prototype Team
17:00 |
Q 15.76 |
Models of coherent averaging for quantum enhanced measurements — •Julien Fraisse and Daniel Braun
17:00 |
Q 15.77 |
gravitational and special-relativistic actions on x-ray superradiance — •wen-te liao and sven ahrens
17:00 |
Q 15.78 |
Electronics for Quantum Optics on a Sounding Rocket — •Thijs Wendrich, Hossein Abedi, Wolfgang Bartosch, Manuel Popp, and Ernst Maria Rasel for the QUANTUS collaboration
17:00 |
Q 15.79 |
Nuclear spin mediated quantum error correction in diamond — •Florian Frank and Thomas unden
17:00 |
Q 15.80 |
Elementary analysis of frequency-difference resonances and possible realizations — •Enno Giese, William B. Case, Karl Vogel, Wolfgang P. Schleich, Manfred Kleber, Marlan O. Scully, and Roy J. Glauber
17:00 |
Q 15.81 |
Improved generation of squeezed states of light at 532 nm by frequency up-conversion from 1550 nm — •Jan Gniesmer, Christoph Baune, Axel Schönbeck, Jaromír Fiurášek, and Roman Schnabel
17:00 |
Q 15.82 |
Programming quantum interference in scattering materials — •Tom A.W. Wolterink, Georgios Ctistis, Simon R. Huisman, Thomas J. Huisman, Allard P. Mosk, and Pepijn W.H. Pinkse
17:00 |
Q 15.83 |
Towards active optical standard based on a bad-cavity superradiant laser: challenges and approaches — •Georgy Kazakov and Thorsten Schumm
17:00 |
Q 15.84 |
Coupled polymer waveguide arrays by direct laser writing — •Christina Joerg, Michael Renner, and Georg von Freymann
17:00 |
Q 15.85 |
Propagation of nanofiber-guided light through an array of atoms — •Fam Le Kien and Arno Rauschenbeutel
17:00 |
Q 15.86 |
Towards nonlinear optics with cold Rydberg atoms inside a hollow-core fiber — •Maria Langbecker, Mohammad Noaman, and Patrick Windpassinger
17:00 |
Q 15.87 |
Highly Efficient Free-Space Atom-Light Interface — •Lucas Alber, Marianne Bader, Martin Fischer, Simon Heugel, Markus Sondermann, and Gerd Leuchs
17:00 |
Q 15.88 |
Frequency stabilization of a triply resonant whispering-gallery mode resonator — •Navid soltani, Joanna Janas, Gerhard Schunk, Ulrich Vogl, Michael Förtsch, Dmitry Strekalov, Florian Sedlmeir, Harald Schwefel, Gerd Leuchs, and Christoph Marquardt
17:00 |
Q 15.89 |
Tailoring single photons via heralding — •Valentin Averchenko, Michael Förtsch, Christoph Marquardt, Markus Sondermann, Andrea Aiello, and Gerd Leuchs
17:00 |
Q 15.90 |
Optical trapping of nano-crystals with a deep parabolic mirror — •Vsevolod Salakhutdinov, Mathieu Manceau, Alberto Bramati, Elisabeth Giacobino, Markus Sondermann, and Leuchs Leuchs
17:00 |
Q 15.91 |
The contribution has been moved to Q 62.54a.
17:00 |
Q 15.92 |
Precision polarimeter for state-dependent optical lattices — •Muhammad Sajid, Dieter Meschede, Andrea Alberti, Stefan Brakhane, and Wolfgang Alt
17:00 |
Q 15.93 |
A broadband photon echo scheme for quantum storage — •Xiangjin Kong, Wen-Te Liao, Christoph H. Keitel, and Adriana Pálffy