Q 26: Quantum Information: Concepts and Methods IV
Dienstag, 24. März 2015, 14:30–16:30, K/HS1
14:30 |
Q 26.1 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
14:45 |
Q 26.2 |
The resource theory of steering — •Rodrigo Gallego and Leandro Aolita
15:00 |
Q 26.3 |
Towards quantum cybernetics — •Rebecca Schmidt and Gerardo Adesso
15:15 |
Q 26.4 |
Entanglement and correlations in a quantum phase transition — •Andreas Osterloh and Ralf Schützhold
15:30 |
Q 26.5 |
Verifying the metrological usefulness of Dicke states with collective measurements — •Iagoba Apellaniz, Bernd Lücke, Carsten Klempt, and Géza Tóth
15:45 |
Q 26.6 |
Generalized spin squeezing in the vicinity of Dicke states — •Giuseppe Vitagliano, Iagoba Apellaniz, Iñigo Egusquiza, Geza Toth, Bernd Lucke, Jan Peise, and Carsten Klempt
16:00 |
Q 26.7 |
Entanglement of weighted hypergraph states — •Frank Steinhoff and Otfried Gühne
16:15 |
Q 26.8 |
X-chains in Graph States and their Applications — •Junyi Wu, Hermann Kampermann, and Dagmar Bruß