17:00 |
Q 31.1 |
Optimized microwave near-field control in a planar ion trap — •Henning Hahn, Martina Carsjens, Amado Bautista, Sebastian Grondkowski, Timko Dubielzig, Matthias Kohnen, and Christian Ospelkaus
17:00 |
Q 31.2 |
Microwave near-field quantum logic techniques for a cryogenic surface-electrode trap — •Sebastian Grondkowski, Martina Wahnschaffe, Matthias Kohnen, Timko Dubielzig, Henning Hahn, and Christian Ospelkaus
17:00 |
Q 31.3 |
Microfabricated Ion Traps for Quantum Logic and Metrology — •Amado Bautista-Salvador, Martina Wahnschaffe, Matthias Kohnen, Teresa Feld, Malte Niemann, Stefan Ulmer, and Christian Ospelkaus
17:00 |
Q 31.4 |
Ion Surface Trap Heating Rate Measurements, and Progress towards In-Situ Surface Cleaning by Argon Ion Sputtering — •Frederick Hakelberg, Matthias Wittemer, Manuel Mielenz, Henning Kalis, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
17:00 |
Q 31.5 |
Control of the motional degrees of freedom in an ion surface trap array — •Matthias Wittemer, Manuel Mielenz, Henning Kalis, Frederick Hakelberg, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
17:00 |
Q 31.6 |
Towards quantum simulations in a triangular surface trap — •Manuel Mielenz, Henning Kalis, Frederick Hakelberg, Matthias Wittemer, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
17:00 |
Q 31.7 |
Motional state analysis of a linear ion crystal — •Jana Harlos, Govinda Clos, Diego Porras, Ulrich Warring, and Tobias Schaetz
17:00 |
Q 31.8 |
Optimierter Transport kalter Ionen in segmentierten Ionenfallen — •Henning Fürst, Michael Goerz, Ulrich Poschinger, Michael Murphy, Simone Montangero, Tommaso Calarco, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Kilian Singer, and Christiane Koch
17:00 |
Q 31.9 |
Scaling down cryogenic surface ion traps based on silicon — •Kirill Lakhmanskiy, Michael Niedermayr, Philip Holz, Muir Kumph, Alexander Erhard, Stefan Partel, Johannes Edlinger, Yves Colombe, Michael Brownnutt, and Rainer Blatt
17:00 |
Q 31.10 |
2D arrays of ion traps for quantum simulations — •Philip Holz, Muir Kumph, Martin Meraner, Alexander Erhard, Kirill Lakhmanskiy, Michael Niedermayr, Stefan Patel, Stephan Kasemann, Johannes Edlinger, Yves Colombe, Michael Brownnutt, and Rainer Blatt
17:00 |
Q 31.11 |
Collective coupling between two ions and a cavity for an enhanced quantum interface — •Konstantin Friebe, Bernardo Casabone, Birgit Brandstätter, Klemens Schüppert, Rainer Blatt, and Tracy Northup
17:00 |
Q 31.12 |
Kalte Ionen für Cavity-QED Experimente: Ein faserbasierter Resonator in einer segmentierten Paulfalle — •Andreas Pfister, Marcel Salz, Max Hettrich und Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
17:00 |
Q 31.13 |
Coupling, controlling, and processing non-transversal photons with a single atom — •Elisa Will, Michael Scheucher, Jürgen Volz, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
17:00 |
Q 31.14 |
Excitons in MoS2 coupled to a Microcavity — •Michael Förg, Hanno Kaupp, Thomas Hümmer, Hisato Yamaguchi, Theodor W. Hänsch, Alexander Högele, and David Hunger
17:00 |
Q 31.15 |
Single-Mode Photon Blockade in Single-Atom Cavity QED — •Christoph Hamsen, Haytham Chibani, Tatjana Wilk, and Gerhard Rempe
17:00 |
Q 31.16 |
Passively Stable Optical Fiber Cavities — •Seyed Khalil Alavi, Wolfgang Alt, Jose C. Gallego Fernández, Sutapa Ghosh, Miguel Martinez-Dorantes, Dieter Meschede, and Lothar Ratschbacher
17:00 |
Q 31.17 |
Atom-cavity physics with a Bose-Einstein condensate in an ultra-narrow band resonator — •Jens Klinder, Hans Kessler, Matthias Wolke, and Andreas Hemmerich
17:00 |
Q 31.18 |
Dyadic Green Function of Spatially Dispersive Bodies: Towards Quantum Optics at Nanometre Separation — •Robin Schmidt and Stefan Scheel
17:00 |
Q 31.19 |
The Schmidt decomposition and entanglement in the context of waveguide quantum electrodynamics — •Christoph Martens and Kurt Busch
17:00 |
Q 31.20 |
Quantization of the power divider and applications in circuit QED — •Marius Schöndorf, Luke Govia, Bruno Taketani, Emily Pritchett, and Frank Wilhelm-Mauch
17:00 |
Q 31.21 |
Quantum Walks in Circuit QED — •Peter Schuhmacher, Luke Govia, Bruno Taketani, and Frank Wilhelm-Mauch
17:00 |
Q 31.22 |
General three-photon interference in a 2D 3 × 3 waveguide — •Simon Mährlein, Joachim von Zanthier, and Girish S. Agarwal
17:00 |
Q 31.23 |
A versatile setup for the measurement of temporal photon-correlations for sources with coherence times similar to detector dead-times — •Johannes Hölzl, Alexandra Popp, Thomas Mehringer, Henning Weier, and Joachim von Zanthier
17:00 |
Q 31.24 |
Remote Quantum Imaging with Thermal Light Sources — Anton Classen, •Raimund Schneider, Thomas Mehringer, and Joachim von Zanthier
17:00 |
Q 31.25 |
Experimental Quantum Imaging of an irregular array of Thermal Light Sources — •Thomas Mehringer, Anton Classen, Raimund Schneider, and Joachim von Zanthier
17:00 |
Q 31.26 |
Analysis of Multimode Thermal Photon Statistics — •Christian R. Müller, Michael Förtsch, Thomas Gerrits, Sae Woo Nam, Gerd Leuchs, and Christoph Marquardt
17:00 |
Q 31.27 |
Towards continuous-variable quantum key distribution at GHz rates — Imran Khan, •Birgit Stiller, Kevin Jaksch, Nitin Jain, Tobias Röthlingshöfer, Christian Peuntinger, Christoph Marquardt, and Gerd Leuchs
17:00 |
Q 31.28 |
Experimental Investigation of Quantum Discord and Entanglement in Bi-partite Systems — •Christian Peuntinger, Vanessa Chille, Niall Quinn, Callum Croal, Ladislav Mišta, Christoph Marquardt, Gerd Leuchs, and Natalia Korolkova
17:00 |
Q 31.29 |
Integration of a high-speed continuous-variable quantum random number generator — •Imran Khan, Christoph Pacher, Momtchil Peev, Bernhard Schrenk, Christoph Varga, Philipp Grabenweger, Bettina Heim, Christoph Marquardt, and Gerd Leuchs
17:00 |
Q 31.30 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 31.31 |
Experimental apparatus for quantum simulation with two-dimensional 9Be+ Coulomb crystals — •Karsten Pyka, Harrison Ball, Terry McRae, Claire Edmunds, Michael W. Lee, Samuel Henderson, and Michael J. Biercuk
17:00 |
Q 31.32 |
Time-resolved boson sampling for arbitrary distinguishabilities — •Simon Laibacher and Vincenzo Tamma
17:00 |
Q 31.33 |
Practical quantum repeater using cavity-QED and optical coherent light — •Denis Gonta and Peter van Loock
17:00 |
Q 31.34 |
Ultrafast long-distance quantum communication with linear optics — •Fabian Ewert, Marcel Bergmann, and Peter van Loock
17:00 |
Q 31.35 |
Protecting an optical qudit against photon loss — •Marcel Bergmann and Peter van Loock
17:00 |
Q 31.36 |
Efficient State Analysis and Entanglement Detection — •Christian Schwemmer, Lukas Knips, Geza Toth, Tobias Moroder, Matthias Kleinmann, David Gross, Otfried Gühne, and Harald Weinfurter
17:00 |
Q 31.37 |
Status of a loophole-free Bell test with entangled atoms — •Kai Redeker, Daniel Burchardt, Norbert Ortegel, Robert Garthoff, Wenjamin Rosenfeld, and Harald Weinfurter
17:00 |
Q 31.38 |
Higher-order separability conditions — •Evgeny Shchukin
17:00 |
Q 31.39 |
One qubit and three qutrits can be entangled in 11 different ways — •Christina Ritz, Matthias Kleinmann, and Otfried Gühne
17:00 |
Q 31.40 |
Evaluation of the quantumness of spin systems — •Fabian Bohnet-Waldraff, Olivier Giraud, and Daniel Braun
17:00 |
Q 31.41 |
Scalable architecture for quantum simulation and quantum computation with more than 100 individually addressable qubits — •Malte Schlosser, Sascha Tichelmann, Daniel Ohl de Mello, Felix Stopp, Kathrin Luksch, and Gerhard Birkl
17:00 |
Q 31.42 |
Multi-Mode Tavis-Cummings Model with Time-Delayed Feedback Control — •Wassilij Kopylov, Tobias Brandes, Milan Radonjić, Antun Balaž, and Axel Pelster
17:00 |
Q 31.43 |
Interference and diagnosis of imperfect bosons — •Malte C. Tichy, Young-Sik Ra, Hyang-Tag Lim, Clemens Gneiting, Yoon-Ho Kim, and Klaus Mølmer
17:00 |
Q 31.44 |
Atomic Bell-state projection assisted by multiphoton coherent states — •Juan Mauricio Torres, József Zsolt Bernád, and Gernot Alber
17:00 |
Q 31.45 |
Implementing controlled NOT operations with ancillary multiphoton states — •Ludwig Kunz, József Zsolt Bernád, Mauricio Torres, and Gernot Alber
17:00 |
Q 31.46 |
Koenig-Digraph Interaction (KDI) Model of Decoherence, Dissipation and Quantum Darwinism (QD) based on Random Unitary Operations (RUO) — •Nenad Balaneskovic, Gernot Alber, and Jaroslav Novotny
17:00 |
Q 31.47 |
Dissipative preparation of entangled states — •Joachim Fischbach and Matthias Freyberger
17:00 |
Q 31.48 |
Engineering adiabaticity with optimal control — •Lukas S. Theis, Tobias Chasseur, Daniel J. Egger, and Frank K. Wilhelm
17:00 |
Q 31.49 |
Detours to Diabaticity — •Tobias Chasseur, Lukas Theis, Yuval Sanders, Daniel Egger, and Frank Wilhelm
17:00 |
Q 31.50 |
Efficient single photon absorption by a recoiling atom — •Nils Trautmann and Gernot Alber
17:00 |
Q 31.51 |
Cherenkov friction on a neutral particle moving parallel to a dielectric — Gregor Pieplow and •Carsten Henkel
17:00 |
Q 31.52 |
Quantum Reflection and Interference of Matter Waves from Periodically Doped Surfaces — •Benjamin A. Stickler and Klaus Hornberger
17:00 |
Q 31.53 |
Towards quantum frequency down-conversion of indistinguishable single photons — •Benjamin Kambs, Andreas Lenhard, Matthias Bock, Richard Nelz, and Christoph Becher
17:00 |
Q 31.54 |
Realization of an optical parametric oscillator for the downconversion of single photons to the telecom O-band — •Richard Nelz, Benjamin Kambs, and Christoph Becher
17:00 |
Q 31.55 |
Parametric down-conversion sources for applications in quantum information — •Sabine Euler, Stephanie Lehmann, and Thomas Walther
17:00 |
Q 31.56 |
Spectrum of the light scattered by unharmonically trapped cavity-cooled atoms — •Ralf Betzholz, Marc Bienert, and Giovanna Morigi
17:00 |
Q 31.57 |
Lasing Without Inversion in neutralem Quecksilber bei 253,7 nm — •Benjamin Rein und Thomas Walther
17:00 |
Q 31.58 |
indirect control of spin precession by electric field via spin-orbit coupling — •liping yang and changpu sun
17:00 |
Q 31.59 |
Nonlinear single Compton scattering by a superposition of Volkov waves — •Alessandro Angioi and Antonino Di Piazza
17:00 |
Q 31.60 |
Multi-mode Theory of a Quantum FEL — •Rainer Endrich, Enno Giese, Peter Kling, Wolfgang P. Schleich, and Roland Sauerbrey
17:00 |
Q 31.61 |
Many-electron theory of the Quantum FEL — •Peter Kling, Roland Sauerbrey, Rainer Endrich, Enno Giese, and Wolfgang P. Schleich
17:00 |
Q 31.62 |
Microwave guiding of free electrons and interaction-free measurements — •Sebastian Thomas, Jakob Hammer, Philipp Weber, and Peter Hommelhoff
17:00 |
Q 31.63 |
One-directional Quantum Synchronization of Atomic Ensembles — •Alexander Roth and Klemens Hammerer
17:00 |
Q 31.64 |
Entanglement in the x-ray regime using nuclear transitions — •Fabian Lauble, Wen-Te Liao, and Adriana Pálffy
17:00 |
Q 31.65 |
Strong coupling and vacuum Rabi splitting in the x-ray regime — •Xiangjin Kong and Adriana Pálffy
17:00 |
Q 31.66 |
The contribution has been withdrawn.
17:00 |
Q 31.67 |
Technology platform for micro-integrated semiconductor laser modules for quantum optical sensor applications in space — •Christian Kürbis, Ahmad Bawamia, Wojciech Lewoczko-Adamczyk, Martin Heyne, Mandy Krüger, Andreas Wicht, Götz Erbert, Achim Peters, and Günther Tränkle
17:00 |
Q 31.68 |
Gain and excited state absorption in Tb3+:LiLuF4 — •Ahmad Majid, Philip Werner Metz, Daniel-Timo Marzahl, Christian Kränkel, and Günter Huber
17:00 |
Q 31.69 |
Spectroscopic Properties of Sm3+-doped and Tb3+-doped SrAl12O19 — •Daniel-Timo Marzahl, Philip Werner Metz, Benedikt Stumpf, Fabian Reichert, Christian Kränkel, and Günter Huber
17:00 |
Q 31.70 |
Vollständig Festkörperbasierter Ar+-Laserersatz — •Tobias Beck, Jochen Baaz und Thomas Walther
17:00 |
Q 31.71 |
Auswirkung von SHG in einem Überhöhungsresonator auf die spektrale Linienbreite und das Rauschspektrum — Benjamin Rein, •Thorsten Führer und Thomas Walther
17:00 |
Q 31.72 |
Ein regenerativer Ti:Saphir Verstärker zur Erzeugung synchroner Pulse bei 940nm und 960nm — •Lukas Mader, Vincenzo Talluto, Thomas Walther und Thomas Blochowicz
17:00 |
Q 31.73 |
Relative intensity noise reduction of a quantum dot laser subject to optical feedback — Mariangela Gioannini, •Robert Pawlus, Lukas Drzewietzki, Sébastien Hartmann, Wolfgang Elsäßer, and Stefan Breuer
17:00 |
Q 31.74 |
Amplitude stability of a continuous-wave emitting two-state InAs/InGaAs quantum-dot laser: experiment and simulation — •Robert Pawlus, Mariangela Gioannini, Lukas Drzewietzki, Sébastien Hartmann, Wolfgang Elsäßer, and Stefan Breuer