Q 33: Quantum Optics IV
Mittwoch, 25. März 2015, 11:00–12:30, B/gHS
11:00 |
Q 33.1 |
Dunkelresonanz-Thermometrie mit gefangenen Ionen — •Johannes Roßnagel, Karl Nicolas Tolazzi, Georg Jacob, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler und Kilian Singer
11:15 |
Q 33.2 |
Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in Interacting Entangled Media — •Daniel Viscor, Weibin Li, Sebastian Hofferberth, and Igor Lesanovsky
11:30 |
Q 33.3 |
Auger-pumped superradiance at 108.9nm in xenon — •wen-te liao, clemens weninger, laurent mercadier, and nina rohringer
11:45 |
Q 33.4 |
All-electromagnetic control of broadband quantum excitations using gradient photon echoes — •wen-te liao, christoph h. keitel, and adriana pálffy
12:00 |
Q 33.5 |
Gravitational and special-relativistic effects on x-ray superradiance — Wen-Te Liao and •Sven Ahrens
12:15 |
Q 33.6 |
Two-dimensional spectroscopy for the study of ion Coulomb crystals — •Andreas Lemmer, Cecilia Cormick, Christian Tomás Schmiegelow, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, and Martin Bodo Plenio