Q 35: Quantum Information: Concepts and Methods V
Mittwoch, 25. März 2015, 11:00–13:00, K/HS1
11:00 |
Q 35.1 |
Minimal Experimental Multipartite Entanglement Detection — •Lukas Knips, Christian Schwemmer, Nico Klein, Marcin Wieśniak, and Harald Weinfurter
11:15 |
Q 35.2 |
Joint measurability of generalized measurements implies classicality — •Roope Uola, Tobias Moroder, and Otfried Gühne
11:30 |
Q 35.3 |
Detecting the Range of Entanglement — •Sabine Wölk and Otfried Gühne
11:45 |
Q 35.4 |
Separable reduced states can imply genuine multiparticle entanglement. — •Nikolai Miklin, Tobias Moroder, and Otfried Gühne
12:00 |
Q 35.5 |
Evaluation of convex roof entanglement measures — •Géza Tóth, Tobias Moroder, and Otfried Gühne
12:15 |
Q 35.6 |
Necessary and sufficient conditions for state-independent contextuality — •Costantino Budroni, Adan Cabello, and Matthias Kleinmann
12:30 |
Q 35.7 |
Quantum contextuality in d-dimensional systems — •Ali Asadian, Costantino Burdoni, Frank Steinhoff, and Otfried Guehne
12:45 |
Q 35.8 |
Observables and the structure of entanglement for discrete and continuous-variable systems — •Kedar S. Ranade