Q 3: Quantum Information: Concepts and Methods I
Montag, 23. März 2015, 11:30–13:00, K/HS1
11:30 |
Q 3.1 |
Paulfallen zur skalierbaren Erzeugung quantenmechanischer Systeme aus einzelnen Dotieratomen in Festkörpern — •Georg Jacob, Karin Groot-Berning, Sebastian Wolf, Stefan Ulm, Johannes Roßnagel, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler und Kilian Singer
12:00 |
Q 3.2 |
Focused ion beam implantation technology to selectively distribute Erbium ions in a dielectric solid-state matrix — •Nadezhda Kukharchyk, Shovon Pal, Arne Ludwig, Pavel Bushev, and Andreas D. Wieck
12:15 |
Q 3.3 |
Universal composite pulses for robust rephasing of atomic coherences in a doped solid — •Daniel Schraft, Genko Genov, Thomas Halfmann, and Nikolay Vitanov
12:30 |
Q 3.4 |
Preparation of Schrödinger cat states of a Rydberg atom — •Eva-Katharina Dietsche, Adrien Signoles, Adrien Facon, Dorian Grosso, Igor Dotsenko, Serge Haroche, Jean-Michel Raimond, Michel Brune, and Sebastien Gleyzes
12:45 |
Q 3.5 |
Non-locality in a Bose–Einstein condensate — •Roman Schmied, Jean-Daniel Bancal, Baptiste Allard, Matteo Fadel, Nicolas Sangouard, and Philipp Treutlein